Thursday, April 16, 2020

(Affiliated with National Federation of Postal Employees)
H.Q:1stFloorNorth Avenue Post office Building,NewDelhi-110001  Blog:

No:  AIPSBCOEA/04-2020                                                          Dated : 15.04.2020
Bulletin 04
Dear Comrades,

Hope all  are safe at your homes. The whole world is brought to a standstill due to the Pandemic spread of COVID19 Virus which has become a life threatening disease to the mankind. In this situation it is our prime duty to follow the instructions given by the State/Central Governments to protect ourselves from the virus.

Precautions to be followed:

  1. Be safe by avoiding unwanted physical movement outside.
  2. Wash your hands often with soap and water, especially when entering the house from outside and before touching/taking any food items.
  3. Do not touch your mouth, nose and eyes unnecessarily.
  4. Please Quarantine yourselves  for  2 weeks minimum whenever there is any symptoms of cold, fever or cough.
  5. Always wear masks and gloves when you need to go out of your home.
  6. Take healthy food like fruits and green vegetables as far as possible.  Wash the  vegetables/meat/fish  3 to 4 times and cook  them fully and properly before eating.
  7. Use turmeric, ginger, garlic, cumin, pepper and citric fruits in your meals as these have medicinal values. Drink hot water often to prevent the attack of the virus through the throat.
  8. Always think positive and keep your mind optimistic to fight the virus.
  9. Ask all your family members to follow the above precautions.
  10.  Last but not the least maintain social distancing with everyone including your family members (3 meters gap) which is the only way to control the spread of the COVID19 virus now.

All of you need to  follow the above precautions and be safe at your homes  to prevent the whole mankind from the harmful effects of the COVID19  Virus.


  Ref. No.: AIPSBCOEA/CHQ/preventive measure for COVID19 /2020                                       Dated- 27.03.2020

               The Secretary,
               Department of Posts,
               Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
               New Delhi – 110 001.

Sub:-  Preventive measure to contain the spread of COVID19.

Ref:-    1. DoPT Letter No. 11013/9/2014-Estt (A-III) dated 19th March 2020.
            2. Letter No. AD-91/9/2020-Admin dated 20.3.2020 from Administration Section , DOP.
            3. Letter No. Z-92011/25/2020-Coord/O&M  from DOP dated 26.03.2020.
                         In connection  with  the  Honorable Prime Minister’s  declaring of the 21 days  total Lock down throughout the country  we are bound to abide the same. In almost all the states  the Lock down is strictly adhered to , due to which all the public transports have been stopped.  The Police authorities are also following very strict rules not to allow any public movement in their own vehicles and even doing lathi charges in many places. SBCO staff usually are posted from H.O to H.O which are placed far away and their residences are also not nearby their work place. The spread of COVID -19  is increasing day by day and the casualities too are moving up rapidly. In this situation , SBCO staff  and their families are in a very much confused state as how to attend office without any public transport.  They also cannot use their own vehicle as their residences are not nearby as mentioned above and also due to the pressure of the local police authorities.

                         As cited in the  reference No. 3 mentioned above, instructions were given from the Department of Posts that minimum staff will be deployed in the Post Offices, which will ensure the  basic  Postal services to the public. SBCO works as a back office for the POSB transactions. Moreover the services being rendered by SBCO staff in no way contributes in providing essential Postal Services as there is no direct communication with the valuable customers.

                         Considering the above facts and details on behalf of the AIPSBCOEA CHQ, it is kindly requested to excuse/exempt the SBCO staff from attending office till the lockdown is revoked and the public transport is normalized which will further contribute in maintaining social distancing which is the need of the hour to combat the COVID-19 virus as responsible citizens of India.

A line of reply is solicited please.

With Regards,

Yours Sincerely,                              

General Secretary

Copy To:- The Director , SR Legal, Dak Bhawan, Sansad marg,
                  New Delhi – 110 001.


Ref. No.: AIPSBCOEA/CHQ/Postponement of agitation programme/2020                             dated-13.04.2020
              The Secretary,
              Department of Posts,
              Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
              New Delhi – 110 001.
Sub: Postponement of the Agitation programme launched for the 20 charter of Demands  
Ref: 1.  Association Notice  No.AIPSBCOEA/CHQ/MEMORANDUM/2020 dated 9.3.20.
        2. Appeal received from Directorate  SR Section No. 08-02/2020-SR dated 18.03.2020.
Our Association was constrained to note that no action was taken upon the genuine demands of SBCO cadre even though they were already submitted to the Directorate several times causing unrest and agony among the staff. In the Central Working Committee Meeting of our Association held in New Delhi from 28.2.20 to 29.2.20 heated debate was witnessed and came to conclusion unanimously as there is no other option except to go for struggle programme.  The details of demands and series of struggle programmes were enclosed and sent vide the notice of the Association in reference number 1 mentioned above.

1.       LUNCH HOUR GATE MEETING  AT ALL HEAD OFFICES     on                               20.04.2020
2.       BLACK BADGE CAMPAIGN                                                            on        27.04.2020 & 28.04.2020
3.       POSTCARD CAMPAIGN                                                                    on                              04.05.2020 
4.       HUNGER FAST  AT ALL CIRCLE OFFICES                                 on                              11.05.2020
5.       HUNGER FAST AT DIRECTORATE                                                 on                              18.05.2020
Now that in the current situation  due to the spread of the pandemic COVID19 virus throughout the world which has become a life threatening one,  Our Association likes to  bring to the  notice of the Department  that the agitation programmes which  were to be launched on behalf of AIPSBCOEA  are Postponed  keeping in mind  the Appeal given by the Department vide the reference number 2 mentioned above and moreover   maintenance of social distancing would not be possible during the agitation programmes which is the need of the hour to control the spread of the COVID19 virus. 
This is for information Please.
                                                         Yours faithfully,         

General Secretary

Copy to:
The Director,
SR Legal, Department of Posts,
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi- 110 001.

Ref. No.: AIPSBCOEA/CHQ/preventive measure for COVID19/insurance coverage/2020/     Dated- 15.04.2020
               The Secretary,
               Department of Posts,
               Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
               New Delhi – 110 001.

Sub:-  Preventive measure to contain the spread of COVID19.
Ref:-    1. DoPT Letter No. 11013/9/2014-Estt (A-III) dated 19th March 2020.
            2. Letter No. AD-91/9/2020-Admin dated 20.3.2020 from Administration Section , DOP.
            3. Letter No. Z-92011/25/2020-Coord/O&M  from DOP dated 26.03.2020.
            4. Association letter No. AIPSBCOEA/CHQ/preventive measure for COVID19/2020 dated 27.3.2020.
                         In connection  with  the  Honorable Prime Minister’s  declaring of the  total Lock down throughout the country  up to 03.05.2020  we are bound to abide the same. In almost all the states  the Lock down is strictly adhered to , due to which all the public transports have been stopped.  The Police authorities are also following very strict rules not to allow any public movement in their own vehicles and even doing lathi charges in many places. SBCO staff usually are posted from H.O to H.O which are placed far away and their residences are also not nearby their work place. The spread of COVID -19  is increasing day by day and the casualities too are moving up rapidly. In this situation , SBCO staff  and their families are in a very much confused state as how to attend office without any public transport.  They also cannot use their own vehicle as their residences are not nearby as mentioned above and also due to the pressure of the local police authorities.
                         As cited in the  reference No. 3 mentioned above, instructions were given from the Department of Posts that minimum staff will be deployed in the Post Offices, which will ensure the  basic  Postal services to the public. SBCO works as a back office for the POSB transactions. Moreover the services being rendered by SBCO staff in no way contributes in providing essential Postal Services as there is no direct communication with the valuable customers.
                         Considering the above facts and details on behalf of the AIPSBCOEA CHQ, it is kindly requested to excuse/exempt the SBCO staff from attending office till the lockdown is revoked and the public transport is normalized to  maintain social distancing which is the need of the hour to combat the COVID-19 virus as responsible citizens of India.

                         In case if  the above request of exemption is not considered  due to some administrative reasons,  all the SBCO staff who attend the office may be covered under health insurance worth Rs. 50,00,000/- (Fifty Lakhs) to ensure the safety of the employees  and their family members who are putting their lives under risk.

A line of reply is solicited please.

With Regards,
Yours Sincerely,                              

General Secretary

Copy To:- The Director , SR Legal, Dak Bhawan, Sansad marg,
                  New Delhi – 110 001.
    Comrades , this is first time  in the history of the whole world that self Quarantine is being followed  for such a long period due to the Pandemic spread of Covid-19 Virus. Hence on behalf of AIPSBCOEA it is requested that all our comrades along with their family members to take care of themselves and help the whole mankind to fight against the dangerous disease . We will ever be in the world history due to our perseverance and positive approach.

                LONG LIVE NFPE!!                              LONG LIVE AIPSBCOEA!! 

  NFPE ZINDABAD!!                                                           AIPSBCOEA  ZINDABAD!!

With Revolutionary Salute

Fraternally Yours,

(SHRIKANTH MALLICK)                                                         (SHP.JASMINE JALAL BEGAM)
  President –CHQ                                                                                  General Secretary

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