No.: AIPSBCOEA/CHQ/Change of role of SBCO/2019 dated- 02.12.2019
The Secretary,
Department of Posts,
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi – 110 001.
Sub: Regarding input/Suggestion reg- Change of
role and responsibility of SBCO, Post GL integration.
Association letter No.AIPSBCOEA/CHQ/ Input/Suggestion on prevention of
Fraud/2019 dated- 16.9.19.
letter No.AIPSBCOEA/CHQ/AUDIT STATUS/2019 dated- 25.11.2019.
In continuation with the
Association’s letter dated 25.11.19 written in reply to the Directorate’s
letter dated 22.11.19 regarding
inpupt/Suggestion reg- Change of role and responsibility of SBCO, Post GL
integration the following suggestions are given in respect of change in
role,working scenario, changes in procedures, administrative control :-
to be given the status of AUDIT as per the previous letter dated 25.11.19 written
by the Association to work independently without any kind of influence like a
local AUDIT for effective functioning and detection of frauds.
letter was already written by the Association
vide Ref. No.: AIPSBCOEA/CHQ/ Input/Suggestion on prevention of
Fraud/2019 dated- 16.9.19 in which all
the suggestions to prevent frauds were given
in detail.
Finacle Consolidation to be received by SBCO on the next day.
SBCO To Download the Finacle consolidation and compare with
that received from all the H.O/S.Os for
any difference or manual corrections /manipulation and raise objections.
General check:-
The General check of vouchers as per para 5 of SB Order 14/2015.
Withdrawals/Closures for RD,MIS,TD,SCSS:- The vouchers of withdrawals for more than Rs.
50000/- and all closures / Premature closures , the AOF/SB-3 Cards received for
the closures to be scrutinized with utmost care, checked by SBCO by generating the LOTs in
finacle and cross verifying with the sent voucher for correctness. If any
deviation from the rules , omissions ,difference in signature noticed
objections to be raised.
Loan payments
:-The RD & PPF Loan disbursement
vouchers to be checked for any deviation.
Checking of
interest bearing categories :- AS per SB order 14/2015
add II para 3 serial no. 7, voucher checking for PASBCO in r/o LSG and above
offices and below LSG offices prescribed may be changed as follows For SB, PPF,
and above for LSG and above offices shall be changed as Rs.50000/- and above.
2.All the
vouchers in r/o offices below LSG shall be changed as Rs.20000/- and above.
3. Checking of single
handed S.Os:- All the transactions of every single handed S.O to be checked
thoroughly for any deviation of rules to avoid any misappropriation of public
- All new accounts opened vouchers for the amount of Rs. 5 Lakhs and above.
Interest adjustments:-
The interest corrections will be given through HIARM menu by the supervisor
SBCO after confirming the correctness of the excess or short payment of
interest intimated by the H.O/S.Os after getting approval (as of now).
Revival of silent accounts
:- There should be atleast two checks
for all the revival of silent accounts
at counter level to prevent fraud.
Transactions in discontinued
accounts:- All the transactions done
in discontinued accounts of all
categories including TD, RD, SCSS, MIS to
be checked at the stage of posting itself to avoid fraud.
Issue of ATM cards:-
In Finacle there should be a check for the correctness of issue of ATM cards to
depositors either by linking Aadhaar or personal appearance for signing to get
the cards to prevent frauds.
Unused cheque foils:-
To be maintained separately (as of now) in a register after receiving from
H.O/S.Os for destruction during inspection by AO, ICO(SB).
Undelivered passbooks:-
To be maintained separately (as of now)
in a register after receiving from H.O/S.Os for destruction during
inspection by AO, ICO(SB).
Sending of returns by SBCO:-
The Non – Financial report generated by the CPC to be consolidated and sent every month as of now.
The Interest cum Silent account Summary report generated
at CPC from Finacle to be compiled and sent to DAP every year (as of now).
Preservation of Records:-
As per SB order
14/2015 add II, para 5.11 preservation
of record needs to be changes as follows.
with Consolidation
5 yrs
1 yr
Consolidated Journal
1 yr
Undeliverable Passbooks
Statistical Register
3 yr
Objection Register
2 yrs after
settlement of all Objections
1 yr after
settlement of all Objections
Interest Adjustment Register
5 yrs
1 yr
@ since
transactions once entered in finacle could not be changed at any level and
voucher checking completed as prescribed in SB order 14/2015 add II
# Since
statistical figures are being maintained based on the report generated and sent
by CPCs
$ Since voucher
checking completed, figures not able to modified / changed in finacle and
objections settled
% Interest
adjustment of an account is effected through ‘HIARM’ menu by the Supervisor,
SBCO only and report forwarded to GMPAF and AO ICO (SB) at the close of the
month in which Interest adjustment effected.
As of now, SBCO
officials recruited are appointed by the Regional DPS after getting allotment
to the respective regions and postings and transfers are controlled by the
Regional DPS. The officials are placed in SBCO units in each Head Post office
and day to day administration vested with Head Postmaster and other controls
executed by Dvl Head.
conflict - controls over SBCO by Head Postmaster,Divisional Head and Regional
DPS causes so many disturbances in the functioning of SBCO. While the
appointing authority is the controlling authority of other departmental
officials, it differs in respect of SBCO officials. This needs to be set right
.For this the following two types is suggested:
shall be brought under the control of GMPAF. As the nature of work now carried
out by SBCO is more or less equaling to audit function, this type of control is
very much appropriate.
shall be brought under the direct control of DPS of the Region. As the appointing
and transferring authority remains the same.
The Administrative hierarchy shall
be as furnished below:
- Chief accounts officer (or)
Senior accounts officer at the HQs – Supervisors in Selection grades – PAs SBCO.
1.Day today administration
rests with the Supervisor HSG I in respect of other selection grade officers
and PAs SBCO.
2.Writing of
APARs of SBCO officials rests with Accounts officers of the HQ
administrative powers shall be vested with DPS / GMPAF
Note : SBCO is the guardian of Public money as well
as Exchequer. The present Administrative control by Postmaster of HO,
Divisional Head make lot of disturbance in the functioning of SBCO and
officials working with so much constrains. If the suggestion given above is
considered favourably, it will pave way for the smooth functioning of SBCO and
Public and Exchequer money will be safe.
Thus the Accounting and
Auditing work will be done by SBCO effectively and independently under the Nomenclature
of “AUDITOR” as mentioned in the
Association letter dated 25.11.19 to be
a custodian of crores of public money for Lakhs of depositors who have
faith and confidence on the Department of Posts.
With Regards,
General Secretary
Copy To:
Meera Kumar,
(P), Department of Posts,
Bhawan , Sansad Marg,
Delhi – 110 001.
Sachin Kishore,
FS, Department of Posts,
Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
Delhi – 110 001.
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