Saturday, January 25, 2020

Ref. No:  AIPSBCOEA/CHQ/Recruitment Rules/2019                                    Dated- 20.09.2019

              Smt  Meera Handa,
              Honourable Director General,
              Department of Posts,
              Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
              New Delhi – 110 001.

Sub: -Framing of Department of Posts (Postal Assistant and Sorting Assistant) Recruitment Rules
          2019 – Reg.
Ref:-  Directorate letter F.No. 04-05/2015-SPB-I ,Government of India, Ministry of
          Communications, Department of Posts, Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi, dated

Respected Sir,

Our Association would like to bring to the kind notice of the competent authority with reference to the letter number cited in the above reference, regarding revision of the recruitment rules (RRs) for appointing the Postal Assistant/Sorting Assistant including SBCO in the Department of Posts, with the following guidelines:

As per Para-2(b)PA(SBCO):

(i)                 There will be no further appointment in SBCO cadre.
(ii)               Existing officials of PA(SBCO) cadre will continue to be in PA(SBCO) Cadre till they are promoted or retired.
(iii)             All existing and consequent vacancies of PA(SBCO) shall be added to the strength of PA of Postal Division.
(iv)              Posting of PA(SBCO) will be done from Divisions as in Post offices.

It is transpired from the above points that the SBCO branch under Department of Posts is going to be abolished in due course which is completely in-contravention of the following prescribed procedures of the CAG, Government of India.
The SBCO and ICO(SB) branches were introduced in the Department of Posts bifurcating from  Accountant General , Posts & Telegraph as per the order of AG P & T No.  Admn. III/5(S)4A-KWiii/2806 Dated at Simla the 31st March 1964. The aim of the bifurcation was to transfer of Audit and Accounting work to the HPO. Since then, SBCO has been performing the Audit and Account functions of the various SB categories of accounts involving crores of Rupees of  lacs of Depositors in HPO.

1.      The Audit function of SBCO has been mentioned clearly in 1960 under Para-1(Preamble) of introduction POSSS Part-IV by A.N. Dureja authorized by the then P & T Board.
2.      The Internal control wing which is similar to SBCO is now called as “Internal Audit Office” as per Directorate Letter No. CIS/AU-1/101-06-07/2276 Dated 05.02.2007.
3.      The withdrawal vouchers have been checked by the SBCO staff (even now)  by putting their signature  in the place marked as “Auditor” on the SB-7.(withdrawal voucher).
4.      As per the Directorate order No.97-8/95-SB Dated 12.10.1995 newly created , the posts of Supervisor SBCO are carrying out the functions of JAO of erstwhile Audit and Account office.
5.      SBCO has to carry out the reality check to avoid delayed detection of fraud vide the Directorate Letter No.25-31/2017-FS-CBS Dated 19.11.2018.
6.      Preventive Vigilance –Procedure has to be followed by the SBCO to prevent fraud vide Directorate Letter No.4-5/DR-02/2018-Inv.Dated 20.12.2018
Through an Act of amendment by Nodal Ministry (Ministry of Finance) Small savings Audit & accounting work was transferred from the Audit office to the Post Office in 1964 with formation of new nomenclature as “SBCO”. Since then miseries of SBCO Employees are notwiped out  in the last 55 years and have lost everything from Designation to the pay & perks. On similar lines the Account wing was also introduced in the Department of Posts w.e.f.01.04.76 in the form of Office of Director of Accounts (Postal). Both the wings  were previously part of AG P & T.

Later on ,  Shri. J.S. Bhatia Member P & T Board (FD & AF) formulated a separate manual known as “Postal Manual of SB Control, Pairing & Internal Check Organisation” for duties of SBCO staff headed by AO ICO(SB) on the pattern of P& T Audit.

Time and again, our Association is demanding that the SBCO wing should be brought under the control of Director of Accounts (Postal) for effective functioning. Of late,an order was issued assigning  the work of NSCs & KVPs  to SBCO  which was previously done by DAP w.e.f  01.07.2016 vide SB Order 06/2016 issued vide No.32-01/2016-SB Dt.21.01.2019.
Ultimately SBCO section is dealing with the work of audit only (ie) downloading the datas from Finacle and voucher checking with utmost concentration. The term AUDIT defines “an official inspection of an organizations account by an independent body.Fortunately, the work being done by SBCO has coincided with the definition of AUDIT. SBCO cadre is called as distinct category according to the department, in other words independent body. POSB is very large banking institution under the Department of Posts having crores of account holders and multi crore of rupees as investment by the people.Proper audit to POSB system is inevitable.In our strong opinion, an robust internal audit should be mooted out in POSB like various audit organizations (ie) P & T audit General, Audit Civil Audit, Defence and Railway Audit which are watchdogs to the safety  of public money.

In Finacle the SBCO Auditor’s manual issued by India Post reveals that all the transactions are to be verified by the SBCO staff or auditor and all SBCO staff/Auditors have to get login IDs from CEPT, Chennai to view LOT. These lines are incorporated in page No. 03 of the said manual. Accordingly, the entire Manual indicates the detective controls by SBCO/Auditor staff.

In the Auditor’s Manual under the head “Detective Controls”-Comparison of Account number and amount in the voucher with LOT, it has been written as “However, the SBCO staff or Auditor has to verify all the transactions from the vouchers received from the LOT available in the Finacle Application. All SBCO Staff/Auditors have to get Login IDs from CEPT Chennai Team to view LOT either in production or through MIS server.

Under the head “ Sample LOT is given below” it has been written as “ SBCO/Auditor has to verify Account Number and Amount mentioned in LOT with the voucher and in case of any discrepancy, full transaction can be viewed in Finacle Application with input as TRAN ID mentioned in LOT and voucher. SBCO/Audit has to raise the objection procedurally for the discrepancy.,,

There is a head written as “Inquiries and reports for SBCO/AUDITOR staff. Menu options
1.      HACSP
2.      HACLI
3.      HACLPCA
4.      HACI

Under the head “Detective Controls – Interest Inquiries” written as
All Financial organizations will be receiving various income. The major share of the income for Min. of Finance comes from interest. SBCO/AUDITOR has to see that annual interest , closing interest and the post maturity (overdue) interest has been correctly accounted for.
The two types of interest inquiries are:
Interest Inquiries
Interest Reports
These inquiries are on the various activities/transactions conducted by the employees working in a Post Office. These reports and inquiries are effective for operations as well as detective controls for SBCO/AUDITOR staff.
It has been written as All other field shown in the screen are auto populated. The Auditors can even specify what type of Interest they are looking for, for example, additional, overdue or penal and so on, by choosing from the dropdown in interest type.

The Reamendments of Recruitment Rules for PA/SAs Cadre (PA(CO), PA(SBCO), PA(PO), PA(RLO) and SA-Proposal vide Directorate F.No. 09-03/2017-SPB-I Dt. 18.10.17 was proposed  earlier which was strongly opposed by the General secretary of AIPSBCOEA through individual ballot in the letter dated 03.11.2017.

In  fine, the following points are appended with reference to the proposed RRs mentioned in the letter cited under reference :

The Savings Bank Control Organisation was set up w.e.f 01.01.1960 with the approval of AG P & T , CAG and Ministry of Finance to ensure an On-Spot Checking over the work of Small Savings Schemes for audit & accounting, vouchers checking & reconciliation work vested within AG P&T which has its own separate identity other than existing PA Cadre in the Department being their nature of duties identical to the Audit & Accounts wing.
It is pertinent to mention that all the financial institutions must have a separate wing for Checking, Auditing & Accounting to safeguard the public money and on that’s why the Department has termed SBCO as unique cadre and recruit the personnel separately.Inter-change of SBCO staff with operative work (POs)vice versa,was not allowed.SBCO is considered as custodian of small savings business records in order to prevent any untoward incidents of misuse.
It is understood that the RRs of PA(SBCO) notified on 21.05.15 under the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution were framed for 100% direct recruitment (Col. 10) with promotional avenues through DPC headed by DPS as Chairperson  and they come under Circle Cadre.

In 2017, the proposed RRs of PA/SA cadre circulated is strongly opposed by the entire rank and  file in SBCO and it was requested to maintain separate identity for SBCO cadre in proposed amendments in RRs of PA/SA cadre or consider their absorption with Audit & Accounts Wing being originated from AG P & T. Hence the RR proposal vide Directorate F.No. 09-03/2017-SPB-I Dt. 18.10.17 was dropped.

We are, still affirm since both SBCO and DAP were bifurcated from the erstwhile AG P & T by 1964 and 1976 respectively, the basic work of Audit continues to be common to both SBCO and DAP. The nature of work is of similar type dealing with the POSB  Audit and Accounting and the financial transactions of pay and allowance of employees which are also accounted through the POSB Accounts only.

In view of the above  it is requested to kindly reconsider the framing of the present proposed Recruitment Rules and to rechristen the SBCO as SB Audit Organization and PA (SBCO) as AUDITORs in  order to function effectively under the control of GM(PA & F) for the proper caring of crores of money deposited by lacs of customers.

With Regards,

Yours Sincerely,

(SHP. Jasmine Jalal Begam)
General Secretary

Copy To:

1.      The DDG. FS Division, DOP, Dak Bhawan,
Sansad Marg, New Delhi -110 001.

2.      The DDG. Establishment, DOP, Dak Bhawan,
Sansad Marg, New Delhi -110 001.

3.      The DDG. SR Legal, DOP, Dak Bhawan,
Sansad Marg, New Delhi -110 001.

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