Thursday, September 15, 2022



Ref. No.:AIPSBCOEA/CHQ-CWC/2022                                                       Dt. :22.08.2022


                Notice under the Article 23& 24 of the Constitution of All India Postal SBCO Employees Association is hereby issued that the Central Working Committee Meeting of the AIPSBCOEA will be held  on 25.09.2022and 26.09.2022 at Hotel City Centre, station road Patna- 800 001 Bihar under the Presidentship of Shri.Sanjib Barua, President (CHQ).The sectional issues of SBCO will be discussed elaborately as per the agenda below.



1.       Organizational Review - Present membership in all the Circles.

2.       Discussion on Scraping of NPS.

3.       Discussion on bringing the POSB accounts under IPPB in the name of technical support/network linking which is a major threat to POSB.

4.       Chalking out agitational program for the following sectional demands of SBCO.

(I)                 Review on filling up of vacant posts in SBCO in all the Circles.

(a)    One time filling up of the Selection grade supervisory posts (LSG/HSG II/HSG I) through officiating arrangements by relaxing the Recruitment Rules.

(II)               Review on additional works assigned to SBCO vide the latest SB Orders after G.L. integration.

(III)             Discussion on Cadre restructuring of SBCO/Change of control of SBCO to the office G.M. (Finance) – DPA & change of nomenclature of PA (SBCO).

(IV)             Review of the Contributory negligence cases.

5.       Review of non- grant of Immunity from transfers of the Office bearers of the Association.

6.       Discussion on remittance of CHQ quota for smooth functioning of Association.

7.       Any other item with the permission of chair.


           (SHP. Jasmine Jalal Begam)

                    General Secretary

Copy to :

1.The Secretary, Department of Posts, New Delhi-110001.

2.Director (SR/Legal) Department of Posts, Dak Bhawan, New Delhi-110001.

3.  The Secretary General, NFPE.

4.Com. Sanjib Barua, President, AIPSBCOEA CHQ.

5.All the CHQ Office Bearers / Circle Secretaries.

6.  All the Chief Postmasters General with request to grant special casual leave with transit to All

India Office bearers/CWC members and Circle Secretaries of AIPSBCOEA to attend the CWC of


7.   Members of AIPSBCOEA.

8.   Notice Board. 


 (SHP. Jasmine Jalal Begam)

General Secretary



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