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HQ : 1st Floor, North Avenue P.O. Building, New Delhi-110001
Monday, July 11, 2022
Ref. No: AIPSBCOEA/CHQ/Cadre restructure of SBCO/2022 Dated- 04.07.2022
The Secretary,
Department of Posts,
DakBhawan, SansadMarg,
New Delhi – 110 001.
Sub: - Regarding Cadre Restructuring of SBCO…
Ref:-1. Directorate letter No.25-10/2016-PE-I, DOP (PE-I-Section) dated 07th July, 2020.
2. Directorate letter No.25-10/2016-PE-I(PE – I Section) dated 30th July, 2021.
Respected Sir,
On behalf of our All India Postal SBCO Employees Association, letters have been written for implementing the Cadre Restructuring for SBCO vide letter numbers:
Ref. No: AIPSBCOEA/CHQ/Cadre restructure& Nomenclature change of SBCO/ Dated- 28.08.2019,25.11.2019, 02.12.2019, 18.5.2020, 09.07.2020, 13.07.2020, 30.09.2020 and 29.01.2021 &30.08.2021.
In the periodical meeting held during 18.11.2021, it was replied that the report/recommendations of the Committee headed by Sri. Charles Lobo was received and the final report of the Cadre restructuring proposal will be sent to Department of Expenditure within 15 days.
It is very painfully registered here that in spite of several letters from the AIPSBCOEA CHQ, the Cadre restructuring of SBCO is not yet done.Due to this inordinate delay, all the SBCO officials are facing great monetary loss because of unavailability of selection grade posts in the wanting places for accepting the same (or) because only very few posts are available altogether. On behalf of AIPSBCOEA CHQ, it is requested that Cadre Restructuring may please be done immediately without any further delay as already its more than two years have passed since the first meeting of the proposal and more than 5 years since done for the General line PAs.
The suggestions regarding proposal for the Cadre Restructuring of SBCO were already submitted for consideration of the same.
According to the justification the following upgradation may be done without further delay please.
All SBCO/ICO (SB) units to have one LSG Post irrespective of number of accounts.
Offices having 1,00,000 to 2,00,000 accounts to have one HSG –II Post.
Offices having 2,00,000 to 3,00,000 accounts to have one HSG – I Post.
Offices having more than 3,00,000 accounts to have one NF HSG – I Post.
So, all the SBCO/ICO (SB) units will have one LSG Post.
All the HSG – II Posts will have one LSG Post under it.
All the HSG –I Posts will have one HSG – II Post under it, according to the number of accounts justification.
ICO (SB) Units in all the Regions of each circle to be manned by at least one LSG Post apart from the regular PA justification for the overall supervision of the unit under the control of Sr. AO/AO/AAO ICO(SB).
I***Percentage Posts Increased for General Side:
Before CR |
After CR |
Increase % |
4980 |
26494 |
532 |
1198 |
8579 |
716 |
1160 |
2123+235(NFG) |
203 |
7338 |
37431 |
510 |
CR : Cadre Restructuring
II***Distribution of GROUP ‘C’ POSTS General side after Cadre Restructuring:-
Before Cadre restructuring:-
PA |
22 |
1160 |
1198 |
4980 |
100089 |
107427 |
After Cadre restructuring:-
Total HSG I |
HSG II Upgraded from LSG and A class SPMs |
LSG for B & C POs |
LSG Others |
Total LSG Others |
PA |
235 |
2123 |
2358 |
8579 |
18610 |
7884 |
26494 |
69996 |
107427 |
Total is the same before and after Cadre Restructuring= 107427.
The number of Posts in SBCO wing also may be upgraded to LSG, HSG II and HSG I like that done for the General line officials without any reduction of Posts.Our Association demands for review of establishment according to the revised time factor in CBS scenario to increase the number of sanctioned strength of all the SBCO units to the tune of 17500 transactions per month per PA which is the correct justification to carry out the checking and auditing work effectively without any difficulty. It is again emphasized to enhance the sanctioned strength while restructuring the cadre because many SBCO units are running in under staffed position even singly in many places which leads to stagnation of work and mental stress of the official working there.
III Percentage Posts to be Increased for SBCO: Example (Tamil Nadu Circle):-
Before CR |
After CR |
Increase % |
43 |
81 |
188 |
18 |
58 |
322 |
5 |
39+5 |
880 |
66 |
183 |
277 |
***As per I ABOVE % Increase for General side was 510%
As per III ABOVE % Increase for SBCO expected approximately 277%
10% of HSG I to be identified as HSG I NFG.
We expect for 39 HSG I, 4 HSG I (NFG) is justified (one additional post expected).
The Statistics w.r.t Cadre Restructuring of SBCO vide the Directorate’s Letter dated 30.7.2021 for the Circles as on 31.03.2021 were already sent as follows:
LIVE ACS (Approx) |
PA S W |
205568 |
9014750 |
92 |
62 |
19 |
16 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
14653679 |
165 |
139 |
15 |
8 |
3 |
1 |
3 |
0 |
8357896 |
86 |
61 |
9 |
4 |
2 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
1858312 |
2907483 |
12147614 |
9650497 |
158 |
75 |
11 |
7 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
0 |
15054098 |
160 |
131 |
18 |
4 |
7 |
1 |
10 |
0 |
2190388 |
1476627 |
10919986 |
70 |
54 |
8 |
3 |
3 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
31721144 |
514 |
213 |
16 |
2 |
31 |
1 |
35 |
0 |
1495465 |
1901968 |
10626318 |
9974622 |
163 |
81 |
8 |
3 |
4 |
0 |
2 |
0 |
15315825 |
121 |
41 |
17 |
10 |
4 |
2 |
5 |
3 |
28648652 |
369 |
235 |
43 |
23 |
18 |
0 |
5 |
0 |
35981075 |
27 |
10 |
9 |
0 |
10 |
0 |
GUJARAT (as on 31.1.2021) |
12903975 |
147 |
77 |
19 |
9 |
4 |
2 |
3 |
0 |
AP |
15426428 |
1269096 |
1061379 |
5120207 |
74 |
53 |
9 |
5 |
5 |
4 |
5 |
0 |
UP |
2329296 |
2507725 |
35734680 |
484 |
355 |
49 |
22 |
14 |
0 |
35 |
0 |
Telangana |
10241811 |
68 |
47 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
The same mechanism mentioned in *** above may be followed, so that the number of posts are not reduced after Cadre Restructuring of SBCO.
One time relaxation may be given in RRs of HSG I and HSG II for SBCO. In SBCO there are so many HSG I and HSG II posts lying vacant due to very few eligible officials in the feeder cadre of LSG posts. This creates a lot of problems in almost all units wherever the HSG I and HSG II posts are vacant as the junior officials who have just entered the Department are forced to look after the duties of the Supervisory (HSG I & HSG II) Posts and are overburdened. Hence our Association requests that one time relaxation in RRs of HSG I and HSG II Posts may be given for SBCO officials so that the eligible officials in LSG posts may be accommodated in the vacant HSG I and HSG II posts. Also the PA/SBCO will have promotional chances to LSG as a result of this.
Already letters have been given regarding this by our Association vide Letter Numbers AIPSBCOEA/CHQ/One time relaxation of HSG I and HSG II/2020 Dated: 20.1.2020 and 18.5.2020.
On behalf of AIPSBCOEA CHQ, it is requested that Cadre Restructuring may please be done immediately without any further delay as already itsmore than one year since the proposal has been taken up. As already narrated the SBCO officials are facing great monetary loss because of unavailability of selection grade posts in the wanting places for accepting the same (or) because only very few posts are available altogether. Cadre restructuring is the only hope for SBCO Cadre to get their promotions without declining and to pave way for a bright future of SBCO wing and its employees.
A line of reply is solicited Please.
With Regards,
Yours Sincerely,
(SHP. Jasmine Jalal Begam)
General Secretary.
AIPSBCOEA/CHQ/Proposal of unification/merger of PA/SBCO with PA (PO)/2022 Dt: 17.05.2022
The Secretary,
Department of Post,
DakBhawan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi – 110 001.
Respected Sir,
Subject:- Suggestions regarding the proposal of unification/merger of PA (CO/RO)/(SBCO)/(FPO)
with PA(PO)…
Reference:-1. Directorate Letter No.Q-25/11/2022-PE-I-DOP Dated 09th May, 2022.
2. AIPSBCOEA CHQ/Proposal about the future of SBCO/2022 dated 06.01.2022.
On behalf of All India Postal SBCO Employees Association many letters were writtento the Administration citing the issues of SBCO officials repeatedly. But the Department has not taken steps to settle the major issues cited in all the previous letters of our Association except very few. Now adding insult to the injury, Administration has proposed a draft for unification/merger of PA (CO/RO)/(SBCO)/(FPO) with PA(PO). As per the opinion of the Association, the problems of SBCO or the officials are not going to be settled by this merger, instead will pave way for new additional problems to the sections and the employees of DOP.
As a major stakeholder, taking into account the difficulties faced by the SBCO officials, only because of the helpless attitude of the Administration, the All India Postal SBCO Employees Association,would like to place the following Points/Suggestions with respect to the reference 1 cited above for favorable consideration.
The SBCO officials are thinking to opt for working as General line PAs in compelling situation only due to the following reasons:
(i) To implement the Cadre restructuring for SBCO Cadre before framing the RRs of PA/SA immediately without further delay, as already more than two years have passed since the first meeting of the proposal and more than 5 years since done for the General line PAs. Due to this inordinate delay, all the SBCO officials are facing great monetary loss because of unavailability of selection grade posts in the wanting places for accepting the same (or) because only very few posts are available altogether and in such cases of declination, MACPs are not granted to the officials. Further Cadre restructuring only will pave way for further promotional avenues of SBCO officials who wish to remain in SBCO after unification/merger if done.
(ii) Non filling up of vacant posts and excess workload by allotment of works of vacant seats to the remaining skeleton strength of officials or even single SBCO official. The supervisory posts are also manned by the PAs in SBCO in many units.
(iii) Due to staff shortage getting transfer to their parent region/division has become remote.
(iv) Transfer liability of SBCO officials due to which many difficulties have been faced.
(v) Imposing irrational and irregular recovery on the innocent SBCO officials under contributory negligence for the frauds intentionally committed by some delinquent officials.
The reasons cited from (i) to (v) may be settled immediately by giving adequate staff strength to SBCO, restricting the transfer liability to divisional level, to exempt the SBCO staff from imposing recovery in the name of contributory negligence by implementing the contents of the D.O letter from the Director General Postal Services, D.O. No. INV-17/18/2021- INV DOP dated 29.11.2021 at all levels (field level in all the H.Os) to solve all the problems and difficulties faced by the SBCO cadre.
Instead of solving the problems of SBCO, if Department thinks that framing of Revised Recruitment Rules of PA/SA is very much necessary and will solve all the problems in SBCO,merging of the Savings Bank Control Organization with the Postal Accounts will be the correct one as both are Audit wings bifurcated from AG P&T, performing the same nature of work and interlinked with each other in every way.It is learnt that the staff of Postal Accounts are not in favor of decentralization, in this situation, I would like to express the willingness of the SBCO officials who are already established at the Head Post Offices level to perform the works to be assigned to the Postal Accounts staff after decentralizationunder the control of the concerned AO/GM PA&F. This will be very much apt, as both SBCO and PAO were bifurcated from the same parent organization AG P&T during 1960 and 1976 respectively. Also both the wings are performing the same nature of Audit work and SBCO is functioning at Hos and performing the checking and auditing work on behalf of PAO only.
The Association is not given any reply with reference to merger with Postal Accounts till date in spite of many letters. Hence, it is requested that a reply may be given in this regard.
As mentioned above if the Department doesn’t want the Savings Bank Control Organization to exist which is an exclusive and important Audit Organization unlike other sections/branches of Post office and not worried about the Crores of money invested by the customers then the All India Postal SBCO Employees Association is in a compulsion to give suggestions to the Draft modalities for unification of PA(SBCO) cadre with PA(PO) cadre.
Annexure –A:
2. Draft modalities for unification of Postal Assistant (SBCO) cadre:
a. No further appointment will be made in PA(SBCO) cadre.
No comments.
b. Existing incumbents of PA (SBCO) cadre may be given an option to switch over to Postal Operative Side as a onetime measure, Officials who choose to switch over to Postal Operative Side shall not be allowed to revert back and their further promotion shall be in the hierarchy in Postal Operative Side. Even after promotion to next higher grades of LSG, HSG etc, they will continue in the Postal Operative Side.
Divisions opted for to be allotted for sure.
Places of choices given for posting in the division allotted to be considered for posting of the officials opting to switch over to the Postal divisions.
The officials who opt to switchover to general line need to be allowed for appearing in all the Departmental Promotional Exams in line with the general line officials.
c. PA (SBCO) officials who do not opt to switch over to Postal Operative Side will continue as PA(SBCO) till they are promoted to the higher level (against the available posts in higher grades in SBCO) or retire.
Cadre restructuring may be done before implementing the proposal of unification, so that the number of supervisory posts will be increased for further promotional opportunities to the officials who wish to continue in SBCO.
Also the officials working in LSG/HSG II/HSG I supervisory posts may be given options to merge with the general line LSG/HSG II/HSG I similar to the case of the Postmaster grade I, II & III merger with general line without affecting their seniority.
d. Existing officials who choose to continue in SBCO, will only be considered for promotion in the existing hierarchy in SBCO supervisory cadre, as per availability of posts.
Cadre restructuring to be done for increasing the number of supervisory posts for further promotional avenues.
The 6% quota of the total posts of Postal Service Gr B LDCE to be increased for the SBCO officials in supervisory cadres.
The officials who choose to continue in SBCO need to be allowed for appearing in all the Departmental Promotional Exams like the general line officials.
Also the officials working in LSG/HSG II/HSG I supervisory posts may be given options to merge with the general line LSG/HSG II/HSG I similar to the case of the Postmaster grade I, II & III merger with general line without affecting their seniority.
e. To ensure that there is no large-scale dislocation of officials, feeder Division(s) for an SBCO would be the local Postal Division where the SBCO is geographically located. All existing vacant posts of PA(SBCO) cadre on the crucial side, as may be decided by the Department, shall be added to the strength of the Postal Divisions where SBCOs are located which shall be the feeder Division for posting manpower to SBCO against the posts. If SBCO is located at a city which is divided into more than one division then the vacant posts shall be distributed equally among these divisions. At the same time equal number of posts will be reduced from the strength of SBCO. For example, if in a Circle the sanctioned strength of PA(SBCO) cadre is 100 and 30 posts are vacant, then these 30 vacant posts will be added to the strength of the decided Postal Division which in turn will provide personnel against these posts for posting in SBCO.
After unification all the vacant posts in SBCO to be filled without keeping them vacant so that the existing officials in SBCO are not burdened with the additional work of the vacant post also. This is emphasized because as of now most of the posts in SBCO are lying vacant without providing manpower by the Divisional heads in spite of the SB Order 14/2015 for providing manpower to SBCO. Further, without manpower in SBCO it is very difficult to complete and manage the day to day voucher checking and auditing.
f. Posts that shall be vacated in future, in PA (SBCO) cadre, due to retirement / promotion etc.,will also be added to Postal Divisions in the above manner and ultimately entire strength of PA (SBCO) cadre would be added to the strength of Postal Divisions in due course. However, sanctioned establishment (number sanctioned posts) of SBCO, as decided from time to time, will continue to remain as such for the purpose of posting of officials.
It is to be ensured that all the posts in SBCO is filled up to the sanctioned strength for smooth functioning of the branch.
g. Record of number of posts added, in the manner as mentioned in (e) & (f) above, should be maintained separately in the establishment register of the concerned Division.
Transparency to be maintained for the same.
h. Posting of PA in SBCO will be done from Postal Divisions on tenure basis through appropriate Transfer and Placement Committee (TPC) of the Division. However, transfer/posting of PA(SBCO) who choose to continue in SBCO cadre shall be decided as per extant rules/manner. Further, the transfer/posting of officials who do not opt to switchover to general line, will be made first by the Circle/Regional Office and thereafter, the Divisional TPC will consider transfer/posting for the remaining vacancies in SBCO.
The SBCO officials who do not opt to switchover to general line to be considered first for transfer/posting. They need to be transferred/posted to the places of choices given by them. Their transfer liability also may be restricted within the division/moved out of division according to their request.
The officials who opt to switchover to general line to be transferred only within the same division opted for as per their places of choice.
i. Such Postal Assistants, who have worked in ‘A’,’B’ and ‘C’ class sub-post offices and those worked in savings bank/savings certificate branch of MDG/HOs and other bigger offices(erstwhile LSG and above) should not be posted in SBCO branch immediately on completion of such tenure. There will be restrictions of three years period for posting of such officials in SBCO. Moreover, there should not be two continuous tenure in SBCO and the cooling off period should be maintained strictly.
Audit will be diluted when unification is done. Hence, whatever cooling off period given between two tenures occurrence of frauds cannot be prevented, as the incidents of frauds would drastically increase.
j. Existing incumbents of PA(SBCO) cadre who will opt switch to Postal Operative Side may be allowed to choose any one of the Postal Division of the Circle where vacancy is currently available. However, it is clarified that even if an official chooses a Division other than a Division where the SBCO unit is geographically located the resultant vacant posts shall be added to the strength of the decided Postal Division where the SBCO unit is located.
Official may be allowed to choose any Division of the Circle.
k. Existing incumbents of PA(SBCO) cadre who will opt to switch to Postal operative side, they will be included in the common gradation list (combined seniority list) of the Postal Assistants of all Postal Divisions, as on the crucial date as may be decided by Department, at Circle level with reference to date of joining in PA(SBCO) cadre. In cases where date of joining is same, their inter se seniority may be decided as per existing instructions. Such Postal Assistants shall not claim any seniority/promotion/pay parity etc, with reference to any PA of Postal Divisions who had already been promoted to the LSG cadre on the crucial date referred to above. However, after being included in the common gradation list of the PA(PO) further promotion shall be in general line (LSG/HSG etc). Further, the PA(SBCO) who does not opt to switch to Postal Operative Side and vice versa even if he/she was a junior to him/her.
It is to be ascertained that the inter se seniority will be maintained vide the common gradation list(combined seniority list) taking into account the date of joining in PA(SBCO) in all the cases where an SBCO official opt to switchover to general line , so that their seniority or future promotions after unification will not be affected.
l. Posts of LSG/HSG in SBCO shall continue to remain in SBCO for providing promotion to the incumbents of PA(SBCO). Once entire vacant posts of PA(SBCO) are added to the strength of Postal Division, posts that may fall vacant subsequently in LSG(SBCO) cadre will be added to the LSG post of decided Postal Division. In the same manner the vacant posts of HSG will also be added to the strength of Postal Division.
Cadre restructuring to be done for increasing the number of supervisory posts for further promotional avenues.
The 6% quota of the total posts of Postal Service Gr B LDCE to be increased for the SBCO officials in supervisory cadres.
They need to be allowed for appearing in all the departmental promotional exams which the general line LSG/HSG II/HSG I officials appear.
The officials working in LSG/HSG II/HSG I supervisory posts of SBCO may be given options to merge with the general line LSG/HSG II/HSG I similar to the case of the Postmaster grade I, II & III merger with general line without affecting their seniority.
m. Posting of officials in SBCO should be finalized by the concerned Divisional head. However, while making such posting the divisional head will ensure that the official so posted in SBCO, is well conversant with Savings Bank/ Savings Certificates rulings, having good record of service and adequate knowledge of relevant software. In service training may also be given at PTCs/Local Training Centres before posting in SBCO.
No comments.
In order to avoid any likely issues related to fixation of inter-se seniority of incumbents of PA(CO/RO)/PA(SBCO)/PA(FPO) cadre who opts to switch to Postal Operative side, following suggestions have been given by Personnel Division:-
(i) Existing incumbents of PA(CO/RO)/PA(SBCO)/PA(FPO) cadre may not be allowed to switch to Postal Operative side. They should continue to work in their respective cadre till they are promoted or superannuated. However, no further recruitment will be done in PA(CO/RO)/PA(SBCO)/PA(FPO) cadre, making it a dying cadre.
(ii) Existing incumbents of PA(CO/RO)/PA(SBCO)/PA(FPO) cadre may be given an option to switch to Postal Operative side. However, as it is not possible to accommodate an official borne on one gradation list into another gradation list without injury to the other members of that gradation list, in order to safeguard the rights of officials borne in the gradation list of Postal Operative side, the official brought in shall rank junior in the new gradation list. This will be similar to transfer at one’s own request under Rule 38 of Postal Manual Volume IV.
(i) If suggestion (i) of the Personnel Division is implemented then:
· Cadre restructuring to be done for increasing the number of supervisory posts for further promotional avenues.
· The transfer liability of SBCO is to be restricted within the division/as per the request of the officials. All the request transfer cases including intra/inter circle transfer cases to be settled immediately within a cut off date. (OR) The SBCO branch may be centralized at CO/RO level depending on the geographical locations of the SBCOs now at city/mufossil areas as per necessity.
· The vacancies in SBCO to be filled up to the sanctioned strength.
· SBCO officialsnot be brought under contributory negligence recovery cases during the occurrence of frauds as per the Rule 11(iii) of CCS (CCA)
Rules,1965. Directorate’s DO letter No.INV-17/18/2021/INV-DOP dated
· SBCO officials to be allowed for appearing in all the departmental
(ii) If suggestion (ii) of the Personnel Division is implemented then:
· Without fixing the inter se seniority vide the common gradation list(combined seniority list) taking into account the date of joining in PA(SBCO) and bringing the officials opting for general line to rank junior most in the list will be very injurious to all the SBCO officialswho opt to switchover to general line .
· Hence if unification is to be done then inter se seniority has to be maintained without affecting their seniority or their future promotional avenues.
· Divisions opted for to be allotted for sure.
· Places of choices given for posting in the division allotted to be considered for posting of the officials opting to switch over to the Postal divisions.
· The officials who opt to switchover to general line to be transferred only within the same division opted for as per their places of choice.
· The officials who opt to switchover to general line need to be allowed for appearing in all the Departmental Promotional Exams at par with the general line officials.
· The officials working in LSG/HSG II/HSG I supervisory posts may be given options to merge with the general line LSG/HSG II/HSG I similar to the case of the Postmaster grade I, II & III merger with general line without affecting their seniority.
· If unification/Merger is to be done then one option for merging with the DPA (Postal Accounts) to be given to the SBCO officials.
· Another option for merging with the PA(CO/RO) cadre may be open even though after going into general line they will have an opportunity to work in CO/RO cadre.
As mentioned in the previous letter of AIPSBCOEA CHQ dated 06.01.2022, with very heavy heart, we have taken the above decision, as SBCO officials who are functioning all along as the watch dog of the total POSB and checking whether all orders and rules issued from time to time are followed without violation and raising objections to avoid any loss to the Department of Posts are made refugees in our own home of Department of Posts. Already each and every SBCO official is facing different problems as mentioned above like staff shortage, non transfer to their parent region/division, recovery under contributory negligence, so becoming refugees in our own home of Department of Posts is nothing but add insult to injury. But we are forced to accept the same in the given current situation due to the helpless attitude of the Department towards SBCO.
Hence, on behalf of AIPSBCOEA CHQ, it is requested that the Honorable Secretary Posts being the Head of the family of the Department of Posts kindly issue early orders for cadre restructuring/review and then make a thorough and serious study of the Proposal regarding the cadre of SBCO cited above in the suggestions to decide the future of SBCO.
A line of reply is solicited please.
With Regards,
General Secretary
AIPSBCOEA/CHQ/Approval of the Office Bearers list of MH Circle/2022 Dt-25.03.2022
The Chief Postmaster General,
Maharastra Circle,
Mumbai GPO Building- 400001.
Sub:Regarding Approval of the Circle Office Bearers list of AIPSBCOEA…
Ref:-AIPSBCOEA(NFPE)/CWC & Circle Conference/Elected Office Bearers/MH/2021-22 dated
Respected Sir,
On behalf of the AIPSBCOEA CHQ, it is brought to the kind notice of the Honorable Chief Postmaster General regarding delay in the approval of the Office Bearers list of the All India Postal SBCO Employees Association Maharastra Circle, who were unanimously elected in the Circle conference held on 17.11.2021 vide the above reference.
According to the AIPSBCOEA Constitution Article No. 29 (i) a: the Circle Body comprises of 15 members altogether. The number of Posts may be changed according to necessity and availability of members in each region within the 15 member body internally. Whenever there are more than 4 Regions, the Regional secretaries or the Asst Circle secretaries may be increased accordingly to handle the activities of the Association uniformly. This is obviously understood and for information Please.
Hence, it is requested that the Office Bearers list of AIPSBCOEA Maharastra Circle elected unanimously in the Circle conference held on 17.11.2021 may please be approved without further delay, so that the functioning and activities of our Association will not be affected.
A line of reply is solicited Please.
With Regards,
Yours Sincerely,
General Secretary AIPSBCOEA