Tuesday, March 8, 2022


AIPSBCOEA/CHQ/Relief of SBCO officials ordered for inter circle transfers/2022 Dt-28.02.2022



              The Chief Postmaster General,

              Uttarpradesh circle,

              Lucknow – 226 001.

 Sub:   Regarding relief of SBCO officials ordered for inter circle transfer…

 Ref :  1. Rotational transfer Guidelines for the year 2022-2023, Directorate letter No. X-

             12/1/2019-SPN-II-Part(1) dated 28.01.2022.

         2. Directorate letter No.X-12/1/2019-SPN-II-Part(1) dated 19.5.2021.

         3. AIPSBCOEA/CHQ/consideration of inter & intra circle transfers/2020 dated-   

              22.05.2020 & 02.07.2021.

         4. Letter from CPMG Jharkhand circle Memo No. Staff-II/Rule-38/JH/2020 dated at      

             Ranchi the 02.03.2021.

         5.  Letter from CPMG Jharkhand circle Memo No. Staff-32/PA(SBCO)/2019-20 Dated at

              Ranchi the 03.03.2021.

         6.  Letter from the SSPOs, S.P. Division, Dumka-814101, Memo No. B1-SBCO/2021 Dated

              at Dumka the 15.03.2021.

             On behalf of the AIPSBCOEA CHQ, it is brought to the kind notice of the respected Chief Postmaster General, UP Circle regarding the Guidelines for rotational transfers of Group-C, Group-B(Gazetted and Non-Gazetted) and Group-A(JTS and STS) officials/officers working in a Circle for the year 2022-23 issued by Directorate vide reference 1 as above due to the spread of Pandemic.

           In the Guidelines under Sl no-(viii) :  Transfers at own request and cost may be allowed. As per the guidelines, one SBCO official Sri. Sumit Ranjan working in Mirzapur HO at UP Circle has requested for transfer to SBCO Jharkhand Circle. The official has received his orders for place of posting to Dumka Ho under S.P. Division, Jharkhand Circle vide the references 4,5 and 6, but not yet relieved since one year. Hence the case of request transfer of the official may kindly be considered sympathetically vide all the individual representations earlier and the latest dated 21.01.2022 and the Directorate orders dated 28.01.2022 which is in continuation with the instructions issued from Directorate dated 19.5.2021 vide reference 2 as above to cause favorable orders for relief of the official to join the new place of posting. This will enable the official to work effectively with mental peace, avoiding double establishment and to be with his family members to give them moral support during the Pandemic spread.

 A  line of reply is solicited Please.

 With Regards,

Yours Sincerely,                                                    




General Secretary AIPSBCOEA.




AIPSBCOEA/CHQ/Non grant of MACPs & Promotions to SBCO officials/2022            Dt: 28.01.2022


The Chief Postmaster General,

Bihar Circle,


 Subject:- Regarding Non grant of MACPs & Promotions due to  the unavailability of APARs to SBCO  

                 officials in Bihar Circle…

                   On behalf of AIPSBCOEA CHQ, it is brought to the kind notice of the Honorable Chief Postmaster General regarding unavailability of APARs of SBCO officials throughout the Circle. It is learnt that the APARs which are to be written by the Divisional Heads for the SBCO officials every Financial year are not written for years together. Almost many of the SBCO officials face this problem as the Divisional Heads do not write their APARs (or) are unaware that they are the competent authority to write the APARs of SBCO officials when requested for by the concerned officials. The Regional Offices are also not following the correct procedure i.e. asking for the list/CRs of the SBCO officials due for their MACP financial upgradations and the LSG/HSG II/HSG II Promotions periodically in a year and instructing the Divisions to Convene DPCs to approve the minutes of the DPCs.

                  Due to the above unavailability of APARs of the SBCO officials which are to be written by the Divisional Heads especially for the years from 2004 to 2009 and non-adherence of the correct procedure at Regional Offices to make the Divisions to convene DPCs, many of the SBCO officials have not yet received their MACP Financial upgradations or their LSG, HSG II & HSG I Promotions. This has led to heavy Financial loss to many of the SBCO officials throughout the Circle in all the three Regions.

                Hence, it is requested that the respected Chief Postmaster General may look into this issue personally and issue orders to all the Regions to instruct all the Divisional Heads to follow proper procedure in writing the APARs of SBCO officials every year (for the left out years) as a one- time measure and convene DPCs periodically to grant Promotions to the SBCO officials under the MACP I, II & III financial upgradations and the LSG/HSG II/HSG I Supervisory Promotions, as these are the only Promotional Avenues granting monetary benefits to the SBCO officials. The writing of APARs of the SBCO officials (for the left out years) and stream lining the process only will settle the delay in MACP upgradations and Supervisory Promotions in SBCO cadre which are lying pending for years together.

 A line of reply is solicited please.

 With Regards,



General Secretary





AIPSBCOEA/CHQ/Placement under TBOP/BCR at Par with juniors/2022          Dt: 27.01.2022


The Chief Postmaster General,

Kerala Circle,

Trivandrum – 695033.

 Subject:-  Revision of guidelines for considering placement under TBOP/BCR Scheme                 in cases where seniors are considered for placement at par with their                                  juniors in SBCO –Clarification regarding.

Reference:-  Directorate Letter No. Q-25/2/2021-PE-I dated 01.06.2021. (Enclosed)

                   The clarification was given by the Directorate on 01.06.2021 regarding the above cited subject which states that “It has now been decided that all the officials, such as UDCs in Circle Office and SBCO, LSG (both 1/3rd and 2/3rd), PO & RMS, Accountants will now be considered for next higher scale of pay from the date(s) their immediate juniors became eligible for the next higher scale. This will however, not entitle an official to claim promotion under TBOP/BCR schemes with reference to his immediate junior who was brought under rule 38 of P&T Manual Vol. IV to the unit concerned in the same scale of pay”. Accordingly, the senior official (s) would however, be entitled to claim promotion with reference to their junior if the junior was brought to that unit under rule 38 P & T Manual Vol. IV in a lower grade and on the crucial date he was still working in the lower grade.

                  UDCs working in Circle Offices and Regional Offices on or before 26/6/93 will be entitled for promotion to TBOP/BCR with reference to the date of promotion of LDCs to the respective grade if the LDC had been brought on transfer under Rule 38 P & T Manual Vol. IV on or before 26/6/93 (the crucial date) and was still working as such on that date.”

                   As per the above guidelines, the UDCs were entitled to claim parity with reference to their juniors who were LDCs and were transferred under Rule 38 of P & T Manual Volume IV. However, no LDC was entitled to claim parity w.r.t their junior LDCs who were transferred under Rule 38. In other words, there were two distinct categories of seniors claiming parity with their juniors. The issue of cases, wherein, senior UDCs were to be considered for placement at par with their junior LDCs under TBOP/BCR, were resolved after withdrawal of this office letter no.22-06/2000-PE-I date 17.5.2000 and revival of the instructions issued vide Directorate’s letter No. 22-05/1995-PE-I dated 08.02.1996,05.08.1997 and 01.01.1998 and can be settled at the Circle level.   

                   Contrary to the above guidelines, Kerala Circle Letter No.ST/13-60/2019(pt) dated 30.11.2021 stated that those officials are not eligible for the next higher scale of pay. As per the above clarification issued by the Directorate on 01.06.2021, the SBCO officials who were UDCs are eligible for next higher scale of pay when junior Smt. Raichelamma E.K who is being compared was brought to the cadre as LDC under Rule 38. But many of the SBCO officials who were UDCs are not yet granted monetary benefits by placing them under TBOP/BCR at Par with the junior official Smt. Raichelamma E.K being compared -brought under Rule 38 even though she was in LDC cadre.

                  Hence, it is very clear that all the SBCO officials who were UDCs as per the Directorate’s Orders are eligible for their placement to next higher scale of pay at Par with the junior Smt. Raichelamma E.K who was a LDC when brought under Rule 38.

                  On behalf of AIPSBCOEA CHQ, it is requested to issue orders for extension of monetary benefits to all the SBCO officials due for placement under TBOP/BCR at Par with junior immediately without further delay as already five years have passed since the Honorable Supreme Court Judgement dated 13.02.2017 in LA. No. 2,3 &4/2016 in SLP ( C ) No.35654/2015 and Directorate’s instruction dated 08.05.2017 to all HOCs.

 A line of reply is solicited please.

  With Regards,



General Secretary





AIPSBCOEA/CHQ/Placement under TBOP/BCR at Par with juniors/2022          Dt: 25.01.2022


The Chief Postmaster General,

Maharastra Circle,

Mumbai – 400 001.

 Subject:-  Revision of guidelines for considering placement under TBOP/BCR Scheme                  in cases where seniors are considered for placement at par with their                                  juniors in SBCO –Clarification regarding.

Reference:-  Directorate Letter No. Q-25/2/2021-PE-I dated 01.06.2021. (Enclosed)

                   The clarification was given by the Directorate on 01.06.2021 regarding the above cited subject which states that “It has now been decided that all the officials, such as UDCs in Circle Office and SBCO, LSG (both 1/3rd and 2/3rd), PO & RMS, Accountants will now be considered for next higher scale of pay from the date(s) their immediate juniors became eligible for the next higher scale. This will however, not entitle an official to claim promotion under TBOP/BCR schemes with reference to his immediate junior who was brought under rule 38 of P&T Manual Vol. IV to the unit concerned in the same scale of pay”. Accordingly, the senior official (s) would however, be entitled to claim promotion with reference to their junior if the junior was brought to that unit under rule 38 P & T Manual Vol. IV in a lower grade and on the crucial date he was still working in the lower grade.

                  UDCs working in Circle Offices and Regional Offices on or before 26/6/93 will be entitled for promotion to TBOP/BCR with reference to the date of promotion of LDCs to the respective grade if the LDC had been brought on transfer under Rule 38 P & T Manual Vol. IV on or before 26/6/93 (the crucial date) and was still working as such on that date.”

                   As per the above guidelines, the UDCs were entitled to claim parity with reference to their juniors who were LDCs and were transferred under Rule 38 of P & T Manual Volume IV. However, no LDC was entitled to claim parity w.r.t their junior LDCs who were transferred under Rule 38. In other words, there were two distinct categories of seniors claiming parity with their juniors. The issue of cases, wherein, senior UDCs were to be considered for placement at par with their junior LDCs under TBOP/BCR, were resolved after withdrawal of this office letter no.22-06/2000-PE-I date 17.5.2000 and revival of the instructions issued vide Directorate’s letter No. 22-05/1995-PE-I dated 08.02.1996,05.08.1997 and 01.01.1998 and can be settled at the Circle level.    

                   Contrary to the above guidelines, Maharastra Circle Office Letter No. STA/11-89/TBOP BCR/SBCO/2017 Dated 12.03.2020, in which names of 15 SBCO officials were referred and stated that those officials are not eligible for next higher scale of pay when junior Smt. S V Gaikwad who is being compared was brought to the cadre under Rule 38. But all the 15 SBCO officials mentioned in the CO letter dated 12.03.2020 were UDCs and the junior official Smt. S V Gaikwad who is being compared -brought under Rule 38 was in LDC cadre.

                  Hence, it is very clear that all the 15 SBCO officials who were UDCs mentioned in the Circle Office letter dated 12.03.2020 are eligible for their placement to next higher scale of pay at Par with the junior Smt. S V Gaikwad who was a LDC even though brought under Rule 38.

                  On behalf of AIPSBCOEA CHQ, it is requested to issue orders for extension of monetary benefits to all the SBCO officials due for placement under TBOP/BCR at Par with junior immediately without further delay as already five years have passed since the Honorable Supreme Court Judgement dated 13.02.2017 in LA. No. 2,3 &4/2016 in SLP ( C ) No.35654/2015 and Directorate’s instruction dated 08.05.2017 to all HOCs.

 A line of reply is solicited please.

  With Regards,



General Secretary




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