Thursday, July 15, 2021


Ref. No.: AIPSBCOEA/CHQ/Scrutiny of Constitutions/Bye-laws/2021             Dated- 21.06.2021


The Secretary,

Department of Posts,

DakBhawan, SansadMarg,

New Delhi -110 001.

 Respected Sir

       Subject:Scrutiny of Constitutions/Bye laws of Service Association in accordance with CCS (RSA) Rules,  1993 for verification process held in the year 2020.

       Ref:        1.  Letter F.No.T-15/2/2020-SR, Govt of India, Ministry of Communications, 

                      Department of Posts(SR Section), DakBhawan, New Delhi-110001 dated 24th July,  2020.

                      2.  Letter from Directorate regarding Scrutiny of Constitutions dated 17.3.2021.  

 The Amendments of the Constitution of AIPSBCOEA mentioned in the Directorate’s letter 

dated 24.7.2020 are done as below. (COPY ENCLOSED).

 1.       Thepara 2(e) of the Constitution of the AIPSBCOEA is asked to be deleted.” To conduct a journal or journals”.

The same is accepted and deleted from the Constitution.

 2.       The para 2(g) of the Constitution of the AIPSBCOEA is asked to be deleted. “To implement the policy and direction of the NFPE”.

This  is accepted and deleted from the Aims and objects of the Constitution.

3.       The para 2.2  of the Directorate’s letter in which the  word “union” was asked to be replaced with the word “Association” at all places in the constitution except in their name/identity is accepted and replaced.

4.       The para 3 of the Constitution of the AIPSBCOEA is asked to be deleted. “The All India Union shall be registered under the Trade Union Act of 1926”.

The same is accepted and deleted from the Constitution.

5.       The para 5 of the Constitution of the AIPSBCOEA is asked to be replaced with that mentioned in the 2.5(i) & 2.5(ii) of the Directorate’s letter mentioned in the above reference. “The Constitution shall be interpreted with reference to the provisions of the Trade Union Act of 1926 and the Constitution of the National Federation of Postal Employees.”

The same is accepted and para 5 of the AIPSBCOEA Constitution is replaced with:

2.5(i): “The Constitution shall be construed with references to the provisions of the Central Civil Services (RSA) Rules, 1993 and the Rules/Guidelines related to recognition of Associations. If any question arises as to the interpretation of the above Rules/Guidelines, the government’s decision shall be final”.

2.5(ii) :“Any amendment in the constitution/bye-laws of the Service Associations, after its recognition under these Rules, shall be made only with the prior approval of the Government”.

6.       The para8 of the Constitution of AIPSBCOEA regarding the Financial year shall be specifically mentioned from 1st April to 31st Marchis accepted.

All the above Amendments will be approved in the upcoming All India Conference of the AIPSBCOEA and resubmitted for favour of information and necessary action.

With Regards,



 General Secretary.

 Copy To:- The Director SR Legal,

                   Department of Posts,

                   Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,

                    New Delhi – 110 001.




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