(Affiliated with National Federation of Postal
H.Q:1stFloorNorth AvenuePost office
Building,NewDelhi-110001 Blog:
No: AIPSBCOEA/03-2020 Dated : 24.03.2020
Bulletin 03
Dear Comrades,
The work
report for the period of seven months from the All India Conference held at
Haridwar (from 5.7.19 to 7.7.19) till
February 2020 is as below:
NEW DELHI-110001
the successful 5thAll India
Conference held at “Gateway of God”
-Haridwar in Uttarkhandfrom 5th to 7th July 2019 in a
grand manner, we have privilege to again assemble in our scheduled Central
Working Committee Meeting today at a crucial juncture in the hall of M.P. Club,
New Delhi.
behalf of AIPSBCOEA (CHQ), I welcome all the delegates, observers, guests and
members arrived from all over the country to grace the CWC by taking part in
the discussion on our burning issues and challenges arising day to day faced by
us. I feel privileged to welcome Com. R.N.Parashar Secretary General NFPE ,
CCGE&W and General Secretary-P3
, Com. Pradip.U.Khadse, G/S R-III and
Com. S.B. Yadav, G/S AIPAEA as well as members of NFPE affiliated unions who
spared their valuable time to grace the meeting.
are assembling in this Central Working Committee Meeting to discuss all the
developments objectively from the All India Conference held from 5th
to 7th July 2019 till today and to decide future course of action
for the betterment of AIPSBCOEA. We have learnt many lessons from our movements
and agitational programmes launched by NFPE & CCGEW in the interest of
Central Govt. Employees & Workers.
We pay respectful
homage to Shri ManoharParrikar, Ex. Defence Minister & Ex. Chief Minister
Goa expired on 17.3.19, Com . N. Gopalakrishnan ,Ex-Working President NFPE P-3
expired on 22.4.19, com. A.K. Roy, Veteren Leader of CITU 3 times MP from Dhanbad expired on 21.7.19,
Smt. Sushma Swaraj, Former Union Minister, Senior Leader of BJP and First Lady
Chief Minister of Delhi expired on 6.8.19, Shri. ArunJaitley Ex. Finance
Minister expired on 24.8.19, Com .R.L.Bhattacharjee, Ex Dy Secretary General,
NFPE, passed away on 10.9.19 at Kolkata. He was a legend and an Uncompromising
fighter. He lead so many struggles in P & T trade union movement.
“We realize the
importance of ‘democratic rights’ when they are taken away. During the
emergency, people realized that ‘something’ was snatched”.
But in
contradiction, now we feel that all the democratic rights of the employees and
workers of the country are being snatched away one by one. What had not been
done earlier especially before 2014 are now being implemented gradually and
almost all the Central Govt. establishments are heading towards corporatization
and privatization including the Department of Posts and the benefits which we
were / are enjoying as the Central Govt. employees and workers are being
snatched away one after another. As if there is an undeclared emergency.
following acts of the Government shows its unwavering commitment to
Dismantling of public sector
and all public services including Railways, Defence, Health and education.
Placing the entire economy
and people, at the mercy of the “Market”.
Labour law amendments to
impose flexible and servile conditions on workers to promote “Ease of Doing
Wiping of welfare measures
Rural economy and agriculture
sector in distress.
Slavish submission to
imperialism, international finance and corporate opening the floodgates of
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI).
Strong ideological commitment
to communal agenda.
Display of authoritarianism
and extreme intolerance to slightest opposition, attacks on rationalists,
subversion of constitutional and parliamentary norms and processes.
The retrograde
recommendations of 7th CPC have snatched away the allowances and advances with
worst ever pay hike. The written assurances given to the NJCA leaders through a
Press Release on 30.06.2016 has been dropped on the floor of the Parliament
stating that there is no proposal pending before the Govt either to hike the
minimum pay or revise the fitment formula. The social security of the young
generation employed after 01.01.2004 has been snatched away in the name of New
Pension Scheme. The future of the unemployed mass is put on hold by not filling
up of lakhs of vacant posts in various Govt. establishments. The hurried
implementation of I T Modernization Project in India Post with inadequate and
outdated hardware, improper software and shortage of manpower has taken away
the concept of fixed duty hours, mental peace and social relationships of the
employees. The sluggish connectivity with continuous link failure has stood on
the way of prompt and effective service delivery inviting public anger and
converting post offices the unhealthiest workplace now a days. The continuous
pressure of the administration for achieving the unachievable targets has done
away with so many lives of the employees. We are continuously struggling for
settlement of the above issues.
aspiration for a ‘New India’ where the only ambition is to think to reform and
perform in order to transform which was communicated by Hon’ble Minister
Communications to the officers of India Post in the annual Heads of the Circles
Conference held at Srinagar from 29th to 31st July, 2019 adopting a 100 Days
Action Plan and a Five Year Vision to align the Department of Posts with the
Prime Minister’s ‘New India’ initiative.
important decisions taken during the HoC conference, inter alia include
converting the India Post Payments Bank (IPPB) into a Small Finance Bank (SFB)
to provide micro credit at the doorsteps to individuals and SME’s, targeting
the milestone of one crore accounts for IPPB in 100 days and restructuring the
Postal Life Insurance and Rural Postal Life Insurance business of the
Department into a fully regulated Strategic Business Unit (SBU) registered as a
company as per the requirement of IRDA.
decisions taken as above are nothing but a policy of the Govt. for direct
implementation of the retrograde recommendations of the Task Force Committee
headed by Shri T.S.R. Subramaian Ex. Cabinet Secretary which submitted its
report in Novemeber-2014 recommending to divide India Post in to six Strategic
Business Units (SBU) i.e. (i) Banking and financial services (ii) Insurance
(PLI/RPLI), (iii) Distribution of third party products (Services on
behalf of private parties on payment basis), (iv) Management of Govt. services
(v) Parcel & Packets and (vi) communication delivery.
you know, the 1st SBU has already come into floor in the name of IPPB since
01.09.2018. Now the 2nd SBU will be restructured with PLI and RPLI. Thus there
is every point of apprehension that by the end of this term from 2019 to 2024,
all the 5 SBUs will be constituted and the Department will be fully
corporatized. Though we have protested and are protesting such corporatize move
of the Govt, we have not yet succeeded.
23.07.2019, the Government introduced the Code on Wages Bill, 2019 to amend and
consolidate the laws relating to wages and bonus and matters connected
therewith and the Code on Occupational Safety, Health and Working Conditions
Bill, 2019 in LokSabha to amend the laws regulating the Occupational Safety,
Health and Working Conditions of the persons employed in an establishment. Now
the Code on Wages Bill, 2019 subsumes relevant provisions of The Minimum Wages
Act, 1948, The Payment of Wages Act, 1936, The Payment of Bonus Act, 1965 and
The Equal Remuneration Act, 1976. The Code on Wages Bill, 2019 has already been
passed in LokSabha on 30.07.2019 in RajyaSabha on 02.08.2019. The Bill will
become as an Act after Presidential assent. It will be the first Code to become
an Act out of the four Codes.
the Code on Occupational Safety, Health and Working Conditions Bill, 2019 has
been drafted after amalgamation, simplification and rationalisation of the
relevant provisions of the 13 Central Labour Acts viz. The Factories Act,
1948;The Mines Act, 1952;The Dock Workers (Safety, Health and Welfare) Act,
1986 ;The Building and Other Construction Workers (Regulation of Employment and
Conditions of Service) Act, 1996 -,The Plantations Labour Act, 1951; The
Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970; The Inter-State Migrant
workmen (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Act, 1979; The
Working Journalist and other News Paper Employees (Conditions of Service and
Misc. Provision) Act, 1955; The Working Journalist (Fixation of rates of wages)
Act, 1958; The Motor Transport Workers Act, 1961; Sales Promotion Employees
(Condition of Service) Act, 1976; The Beedi and Cigar Workers (Conditions of
Employment)Act, 1966 and The Cine Workers and Cinema Theatre Workers Act, 1981.
After the enactment of the Code, all these Acts being subsumed in the Code will
be repealed.
is evident, in the name of simplifying labour laws, this is a pre-planned
attack of the present Government on the entire working class. All the workers
from the lowest paid to the highest, from those who live in villages to those
in metropolitan cities, from those who work in the smallest of farms, fields
and inside households to those who work in the most modern factories and
offices will be affected with such arbitrary amendment. The Government’s
own description of the Bills is evidence enough that it favours employers. The
failure to implement labour laws over the last 25 years has been the most
significant route through which workers’ rights have been undermined. All trade
unions have long been demanding that non-payment of minimum wages and such
other violations of basic rights be made cognizable offences. Rather than
responding to this, the Bills actually remove deterrents including the attachment
of property in cases on non-compliance. Both Bills also clearly define the
responsibility of the labour contractor as final. This is an important
departure which takes away the key responsibility of the principal employer for
payment of wages and other benefits including bonus; as also the criminal
liability for workplace accidents and deaths. There is one law for the rich and
for big companies and another for ordinary citizens. In a violation of Article
14 of the constitution – the fundamental right to equality under law – the
government is seeking to grant the executive power to define how a company’s
profits are to be computed. This will affect every worker in the country not
only in terms of bonus payments but also, at the lowest end, in minimum wages
as employers will make claims on the ability to pay owing to low
apart, the Govt, is now quite curious for imposition of FR – 56 (J). As
per a reply of the Minister, Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions to
LokSabha Unstarred Question No. 5182, dated 24.07.2019, for the period from
July 2014 to May 2019, a total of 36756 Group-A and 82654 Group-B officers have
been reviewed under F R – 56 (J) and similar provision under Rule-48 of CCS
(CCA) Pension Rules, 1972 and Rule 16 (3) of All India Services
(Death—Cum-Retirement Benefits) [AIS (DCRB)] Rules, 1958, out of which the
provisions have been invoked / recommended against 125 Group-A and 187
Group-B Officers.
the common problems of the Central Government Employees, we have our own
several sectional issues.
the circumstances, when the existence of this largest postal network of the world is at stake and our democratic
rights are being snatched away in name of reformation, the coming future should
put an end to the several challenges before us and as such, at this critical
juncture, our participation, role and contribution in the coming struggles will
certainly have a definite importance in determining suitable strategies to save
the nation and safeguarding the interest of employees and workers.
Attack on Central Govt. Organisation and its
employees specially for Department of Posts introducing Task Force Committee
report, non filling of vacant posts, imposition of FR-56(J) and change of
labour laws including New Wages Bill 2019
The Govt. has accelerated its arbitrary move
for corporatizing the Central Govt.
establishments including Wage Bill 2019 and amendment in Labour laws
undermining the rights of the employees and workers but favouring the employers
and corporate world to kill and snatch the rights of the Central Govt.
employees which were gained by them through struggles.
CCGE&W decided to protest the
anti-employees movement of the Central Govt. and served the notice to Cabinet
Secretary on 12th Dec 2019 for call on One Day Nationwide Strike on
8th Jan ‘2020 for settlement of our 10 points charter of demands.
10 Points Charter of Demands are as under:-
1. Scrap New Contributory Pension scheme (NPS).
Restore Old defined benefit Pension Scheme (OPS) to all employees. Guarantee
50% of the last pay drawn as Minimum Pension.
2. Honour assurance given by Group of Ministers
(GoM) to NJCA leaders on 30.06.2016. Increase Minimum Pay and Fitment formula.
Withdraw the proposed move to modify the existing time-tested methodology for
calculation of Minimum wage. Grant HRA arrears from 01.01.2016. Withdraw “Very
Good” bench mark for MACP, Grant promotional hierarchy and date of effect from
01.01.2016. Grant Option-I parity recommended by 7th CPC to all Central
Govt. Pensioners. Settle all anomalies arising out of 7th CPC
3. Stop corporatization/privatization of Railways,
Defence and Postal Departments. Withdraw closure orders of Govt. of India
Printing Presses. Stop proposed move to close down Salt Department. Stop
closure of Govt. establishments and outsourcing.
4. Fill up all six lakhs vacant posts in the Central
Government Departments in a time bound manner. Reintroduce Regional Recruitment
for Group B &C Posts.
(a) Regularisation of Gramin Dak Sevaks and grant
of Civil servant status. Implement remaining positive recommendations of
Kamalesh Chandra Committee report.
(b) Regularise all casual and contract workers
including those joined on or after 01.09.1993.
6. Ensure equal pay for equal
work for all. Remove disparity in pay scales between Central Secretariat staff
and similarly placed staff working in field units of various departments.
7. Implement 7th
CPC Wage Revision and Pension revision of remaining Autonomous bodies. Ensure
payment of arrears without further delay. Grant Bonus to Autonomous body
employees pending from 2016-2017 onwards.
8. Remove
5% condition imposed on compassionate appointments. Grant appointment in
all eligible cases.
9. Grant
five time bound promotions to all Group B & C employees. Complete Cadre
Review in all departments within a time-frame.
10. (a) Withdraw the anti-worker wage/labour codes and
other anti-worker Labour reforms. Stop
attack on trade union rights. Ensure prompt functioning of various negotiating
forums under the JCM Scheme at all levels.
(b) Withdraw the draconian FR 56 (j) and Rule 48
CCS (Pension Rules 1972).
all our existing benefits & rights are achieved through struggles and sacrifices
Strike action will go in vain! No sacrifice will go in vain!
will fight and we will Win! Scrap NPS and restore OPS!
Participation in agitation programmes, Strikes of
CHQ/Federation/Confederation of CGS:
The CCGE &W and
NFPE had called for the 1 day Nationwide Strike to be observed on 8th Jan 2020. National
Secretariat of CCGE&W and Federal Secretariat of NFPE have unanimously
decided on same charter of demands for future course of agitational programmes.
The NFPE Federal Secretariat formulated 24 points charter of demands including
Withdrawal of NPS and Guarantee minimum pension 50% of last pay drawn, filling
up of vacancies in all cadres including SBCO, Implementation of cadre
restructuring for left out categories including SBCO, Scrap Bench Mark in MACP,
implement 5 days week in postal, Status of audit to SBCO.
1. Withdraw NPS and Guarantee minimum
pension 50% of last pay drawn.
2. Implement all positive
recommendations of Sri Kamlesh Chandra Committee report and grant Civil servant
Status to GDS.
3. Fill up all Vacant Posts in all
cadres of Department of Posts, i.e. PA/SA, Postmen, Mailmen, MMS, MTS, GDS,
Postal Acctts, P.A Admin Offices, P.A SBCO & Civil Wing etc. within a time
frame and separate identity of all cadres.
4. Settle all the problems arisen out
of implementation of C.S.I &R.I.C.T.
5. Membership verification of GDS and
declaration of result of regular employees membership verification conducted in
6. Implementation of orders of payment
of revised wages and arrears to the casual, Part time, Contigent employees
& daily rated mazdoors as per 6th and 7th CPC and
Regularize Services of casual Labourers.
7. Implement Cadre Restructuring for
left out categories i.e. RMS, MMS, Postman/MTS, PACO, PASBCO, Postal Acctts,
Postmaster Cadre and Civil Wing etc.
8. Stop Privatization, Corporatization
and out sourcing in Postal Services.
9. Scrap Bench Mark in MACP.
10. Implement 5 days week in Postal and
11. Enhancement of higher pay scales to
those categories whose minimum qualification has been enhanced e.g. Postmen,
Mail guard.
12. Grant of pension to the promoted
GDS based on Supreme Court Judgement in SLP No.(C) 13042/2014.
13. Withdraw orders of enhancement of
cash conveyance limit without security.
14. Implement all High Court and
Supreme Court decisions in C/W MACP, RTP and others.
15. Cash less treatment under CGHS and
allotment of adequate fund under head MR & T.A.
16. Retention of Civil Wing in the
Department of Posts.
17. Holding of Departmental Council
Meetings and periodical meetings at all levels.
18. Stop Trade Union victimization and
in the name of unscientific targets.
19. Provide 40 percent SCF quota
promotion in AAO cadre and amend RR incorporating the modifications demanded by
20. Status of audit to SBCO.
21. Restore Special Allowance to PO
& RMS Accountants and OSA to RMS/MMS Staff.
22. All NSH and I.C. Speed Post Hubs
should be under the administrative control of RMS and All L-2 Mail Offices
should be identified as I.C. Speed Post Hubs and as Parcel Hubs.
23. Permission to all Staff of Circle
Office, Postmaster Cadre , SBCO, Postal Account and RMS/MMS staff to appear in
Departmental Examination for promotion to PSS Group B.
24. Amendment in Transfer Policy guide
lines and under Rule-38 Transfer guidelines.
The following programmes of action
had been decided by the Postal JCA.
1. Submission of Memorandum addressed
to the Secretary (Post) by PJCA by all Divisional/Branch Secretaries in all
Divisions by holding lunch hour demonstration on 29th July 2019.
2. Holding of one day Dharna at
Divisional level on 21st August 2019.
3. Holding one day Dharna at Circle
level on 11thSeptember 2019.
4. One day Dharna at JantarMantar, New
Delhi on 4th October 2019 by All India Office Bearers of all Unions
Even after, if no fruitful result
comes out, PJCA will decide serious programme of action including indefinite
Auditor –
Shri. K.K. Singh Supervisor SBCO, (Bihar
CONVENOR : Smt. SHP. Jasmine Jalal Begam ,Tamilnadu circle.
ODISSA CIRCLE : 1. Smt. Sujata Behera
2. Smt. Simanchala Das
3. Smt. Thinlay Bhutia
Madhya Pradesh : 4. Smt .kalpna Jain – Raisen HO
5. Smt. Anita Gajbhiye - Bhopal GPO
Kerala circle : 6. Smt. Krishna
Jagadeesh – Trivandrum GPO
7. Smt. Indira
Chattisgarh circle : 8.
Smt. Juleta Xalco -Bilaspur Ho
9. Smt. Helna karketa – Rajnadgav HO
Assam circle : 10. Smt. Pallabi
West Bengal : 11. Smt. Ratna
Tamilnadu : 12. Smt.K. Lakshmi
–Park Town H.O
13. Smt.Gayatri – Mylapore HO
14. Smt.A.J.Divya – Anna Road HO
Maharastra : 15. Smt.Sarita patel
Haryana : 16. Smt.Meenu Sharma
Telungana : 17. Smt.Bhanu
18. Smt. Ramsree
19. Smt. Nalini
Bihar : 20.
Smt. Radha Devi PA/SBCO Patna HPO

Ref. No:
AIPSBCOEA/CHQ/Cadre restructure /2019 Dated- 28.08.2019
The Secretary,
Department of Posts,
Dak Bhawan, Sansad
New Delhi – 110 001.
Sub: - Implementation
of Cadre Restructure to SBCO – Reg.
Respected Sir,
The Association would
most humbly bring
to the kind
notice of the administration that
Savings Bank Control
Organisation is at
present doing the Audit
work of
the Post Office
Savings Bank Accounts.
Ours being a
circle cadre and
promotional opportunities are
very megre for
the youngsters who
enter the department
with professional and
technical qualifications .
Also the
number of LSG,
HSG II and HSG I posts
are very limited
that every time the
LSG or HSG promotions when
awarded to the
officials, they are
not able to
accept it as
either there are
no posts available
in the areas with
HRA or feasible
to them or
there are no
posts in that
region where the
official is working.
illustration, if one
circle like Tamilnadu is
taken, there are only
around 49 LSG Supervisor posts in SBCO whereas there are
around 60-70 in
general line for
the PAs in a
division itself. So, comparatively
the chances for
promotion for the
SBCO PA is very less. As also many
senior officials are
retiring whose posts
are lying vacant
and the young
officials who have
just entered the
department are forced
to take up the
incharge seat without any
financial/cadre upgradation as
there is no
officiating arrangement in SBCO.
is therefore kindly
requested to implement
the Cadre Restructure to SBCO
wing which will
enable the young
officials working at
SBCO to get
their promotions under
at the earliest in
service without disappointing
With Regards,
Yours Sincerely,
Jasmine Jalal Begam)

AIPSBCOEA/CHQ/FRMU/2019 Dated- 28.08.2019
The Secretary,
Department of Posts,
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi – 110 001.
Sub: - Dispensing of FRMU alert work from SBCO - regarding.
- (i)
Association letter No. AIPSBCOEA/CHQ/FRMU/20019 Dated 19.3.2019
Directorate letter No.F.1-3/2017-PCO/PMLA Dated 15.4.2019
Association would like
to bring to
the kind notice
of the references
as above in which
reply was given
to the association
that the circles
have been asked
to strengthen the
circle FRMU/AML unit by
posting Inspectors/Asp and staff
at a Central location
for checking alerts and
that there is no
specific order from
Directorate relating to
any other staff.
But when this
is being implemented
at Division level
it is cited
that as per the
Directorate letter No. 17-15/2016-Inv dated 8.5.2019 regarding
SOP for processing
FRMU alerts it is
stated that the
SBCO Supervisor to
do the following
Cross verify with
the closure voucher
Verify the
Signature using IES Menu in Finacle
Check the CIF
modification details using HAFI
menu of Finacle
For subsequent
accounts, check with AOF/SB-3 form.
The above 4 points mentioned for the SBCO supervisor
to verify is not in the SB control procedure and moreover the work which is already being
carried out in SBCO as 100% checking of vouchers by PAs and 5% verification done by the supervisor SBCO.
All closures including PMCs are checked as a part of duty by the SBCO branch.
As per the above points it is duplication of work which will cause wastage of
time and manpower to check the same work again as of now all SBCO units are
suffering from acute shortage of staff and regular supervisor are very few. It
will moreover accumulate pending of voucher checking at SBCO branch.
The real purpose of FRMU will serve unless and until
the depositors are personally met with by the investigating/field officers and
SBCO is not a investigation branch also. It is therefore kindly requested to
dispense the above work mentioned as per the Directorate letter No.
17-15/2016-Inv dated 8.5.2019 regarding SOP for processing FRMU alerts which is
an extra burden on SBCO.
With Regards,
Yours Sincerely,
(SHP. Jasmine Jalal
General Secretary

A Letter was written by the All India CHQ
regarding the Directorate letter mentioned
below in the reference
(Input/Suggestion for Prevention of Fraud) asking SBCO to view the
signature and closure PBs:
Ref. No.:
AIPSBCOEA/CHQ/ Input/Suggestion on prevention of Fraud/2019 dated- 16.9.19
The Secretary,
Department of Posts,
Dak Bhawan, SansadMarg,
New Delhi – 110 001.
Sub: Submission
of Input/Suggestion on Prevention of
Frauds reg…
Ref: No.25-11/2016-FS-CBS,Govt
of India, Ministry of Communication,
Department of Post(F.S Division) dated 11.9.19 at Dak Bhawan New Delhi- 110
on prevention of frauds in CBS Post Offices:
In the recent
memo No.25-11/2016-FS-CBS,Govt of India, Ministry of Communication,
of Post(F.S Division) dated 11.9.19 at Dak Bhawan New Delhi-110 001 regarding
input /suggestion on prevention of frauds in CBS Post Offices, the third point
is about Signature checking of all closed accounts by SBCO in Finacle.
duties of SBCO are already well defined in Manual for SB Control,
Pairing & amp; ICO Procedure. Accordingly the SBCO staff are exercising the
decentralized Audit & Accounts duties and their work actually starts
after accounting of the transactions. SBCO has to exercise the Audit work, (ie)
thorough checking of all the mandatory items by doing 100% voucher checking
including all closures as per control procedure laid down for SBCO and the SB
ORDER 14/2015 and the Addendums w.r.t the AOF forms/SB-3 cards for signature of
checking the signature in Finacle is not laid down in the Control Procedure of
SBCO and it is irrelevant to SBCO where as it is a prime duty on the part
of the counter staff and APM only before effecting payment of amount to the depositor to prevent
second point in the memo number mentioned above regarding sending of
closure passbooks to SBCO along with the closure form
SB-7A will not prevent fraud in any way
as Pass book is not mandatory for doing transactions across the counter in CBS
environment. The entries are not being made at regular
intervals in the PBs vide the printers and only manual entries are made by
posting the last transaction along with the BAT in the PB. Also nowadays amount
can not only be withdrawn through ATMs but also closed, transferred from POSB
to IPPB and from IPPB to any other bank account
without passbook.
of accounts may be done with Aadhar enabled verification (finger print
matching/Irish matching).The customers those who are unable to come to post
offices may be given door step service for Aadhaar enabled verification with
service charge. If door step service cannot be provided then inspecting
officers may verify the genuineness by meeting the customers personally.
is irony that the objection memos raised by SBCO must be paid serious attention
and be settled without delay in Post offices which is the responsibility of the
concerned postmasters as mentioned in the SB ORDER 14/2015 but, it is not
adhered to. Instead reports are being asked from SBCO for early settlement of
the same which is another reason for occurrence of frauds.
is acute shortage of manpower at every level right from MTS to PA cadre which
is the main reason of occurrence of frauds.
The work of two to three PAs are
done by a singe SBCO PA in most of the units and almost all H.Os are running
without the supervisors except very few
which are managed by the junior officials who have just entered the department.
The Association has already written letter regarding cadre restructuring to
SBCO cadre to solve ths problem vide Ref. No:
AIPSBCOEA/CHQ/Cadre restructure/2019
Dated- 28.08.2019. The shortage of manpower is experienced at the level
of the General line PAs also which pave way to the persons who do frauds intentionally
and make the innocent officials the
scalp goats. A drive for recruitment may be conducted and vacancies may be
filled upto the sanctioned strength as a one time measure.
Silent revival (revival of dormant accounts) ,freezing and unfreezing of a/cs with heavy amounts and exceeding the
prescribed limits, transfers of sols, closures of B.Os / Single handed SOs accounts , issue of duplicate Passbooks,
issue of ATM cards , issue of cheque books
may be sent to the concerned H.Os for doing the same after verification
by two Supervisors(APMs). A separate PA may be spared for the same like that done for the claim sanction cases as of now.
higher value verification memos to be prepared every day at the SB branch and
sent to the inspecting authorities who should verify the genuineness on
daily basis by meeting the depositors
personally and report the same.
Association would like to bring to the kind notice of the administration that
prevention of Frauds can be done only by
evolving necessary some additional ways
and means at counter level before
effecting payment of amount to the customer and by entrusting the verification
of genuineness of payment to the inspecting officers/field officers by visiting
the depositors personally.
is requested that the suggestions given
above may be taken into consideration so
that the Frauds can be prevented
to some extent as the same have been heeped in crores of amount after implementation of Finacle and CBS in
savings bank comparatively more than when sanjay post was in usage. Hence the
infrastructure and technology may be improved in such a way that except the
depositor nobody can withdraw his money by linking Aadhaar , SMS alerts,OTP
generation for closures and by making photograph of depositor mandatory which
should be scanned for identification during payment of money at the counter.
The Biometric method of payment was already suggested by our Association in the
meeting under the chairmanship of Member(T)
dated 1.3.17 which was the first
item in the 25 charter of demands and the minutes was received for the same by
21.4.2017 in which the suggestion was not taken into account. Atleast now the
same may be implemented to prevent the fraud upto 90% by biometric method.
section is responsible for its routine work of audit nature only (ie)
downloading the datas from Finacle and finding out any violation of prescribed
rules while carrying out voucher
checking with utmost concentration and raising of objections if needed.
term AUDIT defines “an official inspection of an organizations account by an
independent body and it cannot be expected to detect every fraud”.
SBCO wing is doing the Audit work and hence may not be fixed as the co-offenders or sub-offenders which is against
justice of nature as SBCO officials are in no way connected with the monetary
transactions taking place across the
counter directly.Many innocent SBCO officials are already being pulled inside
the trap by some way or another and penalized with the recovery under
contributory negligence , hence it is requested that the act of injustice needed to be stopped immediately. The
verification of signature in finacle and
giving the closed passbooks to SBCO will not prevent frauds instead it
will pave way to penalize the SBCO officials who are already over burdened with
work done by SOSB, Sub accounts, CC bridge , vide many orders issued day by
day. It is therefore requested that instead of issuing some orders day by day a
meeting may be called for with the concerned branches with their
representatives along with the technology team to sit and discuss the ground
reality and follow the measures which will be suggested by them.
FRMU alert verification is also entrusted to SBCO which is an additional work and
it is already emphasized by the Association that the same may be verified by
the inspecting/investigating authorities or by a centralized team at RO/CO to
serve the real purpose of prevention of Frauds vide the Association’s letter Ref. No.: AIPSBCOEA/CHQ/FRMU/2019 dated 28.8.19.
both point number 2 and 3 mentioned in the memo No.25-11/2016-FS-CBS,Govt of India, Ministry of
Communication, Department of Post(F.S Division) dated 11.9.19 at Dak Bhawan New
Delhi-110 001 regarding prevention of Frauds
may please be dispensed with as it is an extra burdern on SBCO and will
only make the voucher checking pending in under staffed situation and not
prevent the Fraud. Hope the administration would understand the core of the
suggestions given by the Association and implement it favourably for the smooth
functioning of POSB and SBCO cadre.
With Regards,
Yours Sincerely, -Sd-
General Secretary
Copy To:
Division,Dak Bhawan, New Delhi -110001.
The Assistant
Director (SBPG) F.S Division
Dak Bhawan ,New
Delhi -110001.
The Chief
Postmaster General,
Chennai -600002. -Sd-
General Secretary

A Letter was
written by the All India CHQ regarding
the Revised Recruitement Rules for PA/SA by the Directorate:
Ref. No: AIPSBCOEA/CHQ/Recruitment Rules/2019 Dated- 20.09.2019
P.K. Bisoi,
Honourable Secretary,
of Posts,
Bhawan, SansadMarg,
Delhi – 110 001.
Sub:- Framing of Department of Posts (Postal
Assistant and Sorting Assistant) Recruitment Rules 2019 – Reg.
Directorate letter F.No.
04-05/2015-SPB-I ,Government of India, Ministry of Communications, Department
of Posts, Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi, dated18.9.2019.
Respected Sir,
Our Association would like to bring
to the kind notice of the competent authority with reference to the letter
number cited in the above reference, regarding revision of the recruitment
rules (RRs) for appointing the Postal Assistant/Sorting Assistant including
SBCO in the Department of Posts, with the following guidelines:
As per Para-2(b)PA(SBCO):
(i) There will be no
further appointment in SBCO cadre.
(i) Existing
officials of PA(SBCO) cadre will continue to be in PA(SBCO) Cadre till they are
promoted or retired.
(iii) All
existing and consequent vacancies of PA(SBCO) shall be added to the strength of
PA of Postal Division.
(iv) Posting of PA(SBCO)
will be done from Divisions as in Post offices.
It is transpired from the above
points that the SBCO branch under Department of Posts is going to be abolished
in due course which is completely in-contravention of the following prescribed
procedures of the CAG, Government of India.
The SBCO and ICO(SB) branches were
introduced in the Department of Posts bifurcating from Accountant General , Posts & Telegraph as
per the order of AG P & T No. Admn. III/5(S)4A-KWiii/2806
Dated at Simla the 31st March 1964. The aim of the bifurcation was
to transfer of Audit and Accounting work to the HPO. Since then, SBCO has been
performing the Audit and Account functions of the various SB categories of
accounts involving crores of Rupees of
lacs of Depositors in HPO.
1. The Audit function of SBCO has been
mentioned clearly in 1960 under Para-1(Preamble) of introduction POSSS Part-IV
by A.N. Dureja authorized by the then P & T Board.
2. The Internal control wing which is
similar to SBCO is now called as “Internal Audit Office” as per Directorate
Letter No. CIS/AU-1/101-06-07/2276 Dated 05.02.2007.
3. The withdrawal vouchers have been
checked by the SBCO staff (even now) by
putting their signature in the place
marked as “Auditor” on the SB-7.(withdrawal voucher).
4. As per the Directorate order
No.97-8/95-SB Dated 12.10.1995 newly created , the posts of Supervisor SBCO are
carrying out the functions of JAO of erstwhile Audit and Account office.
5. SBCO has to carry out the reality
check to avoid delayed detection of fraud vide the Directorate Letter
No.25-31/2017-FS-CBS Dated 19.11.2018.
6. Preventive Vigilance –Procedure has
to be followed by the SBCO to prevent fraud vide Directorate Letter
No.4-5/DR-02/2018-Inv.Dated 20.12.2018
an Act of amendment by Nodal Ministry (Ministry of Finance) Small savings Audit
& accounting work was transferred from the Audit office to the Post Office
in 1964 with formation of new nomenclature as “SBCO”. Since then miseries of
SBCO Employees are notwiped out in the
last 55 years and have lost everything from Designation to the pay & perks.
On similar lines the Account wing was also introduced in the Department of
Posts w.e.f.01.04.76 in the form of Office of Director of Accounts (Postal).
Both the wings were previously part of
AG P & T.
on , Shri. J.S. Bhatia Member P & T
Board (FD & AF) formulated a separate manual known as “Postal Manual of SB
Control, Pairing & Internal Check Organisation” for duties of SBCO staff
headed by AO ICO(SB) on the pattern of P& T Audit.
Time and again,
our Association is demanding that the SBCO wing should be brought under the
control of Director of Accounts (Postal) for effective functioning. Of late, an
order was issued assigning the work of
NSCs & KVPs to SBCO which was previously done by DAP w.e.f 01.07.2016 vide SB Order 06/2016 issued vide
No.32-01/2016-SB Dt.21.01.2019.
Ultimately SBCO section is dealing with the work
of audit only (ie) downloading the datas from Finacle and voucher checking with
utmost concentration. The term AUDIT defines “an official inspection of an
organizations account by an independent body.Fortunately, the work being done
by SBCO has coincided with the definition of AUDIT. SBCO cadre is called as
distinct category according to the department, in other words independent body.
POSB is very large banking institution under the Department of Posts having
crores of account holders and multi crore of rupees as investment by the
people.Proper audit to POSB system is inevitable.In our strong opinion, an
robust internal audit should be mooted out in POSB like various audit
organizations (ie) P & T audit General, Audit Civil Audit, Defence and
Railway Audit which are watchdogs to the safety
of public money.
In Finacle the SBCO Auditor’s manual issued by
India Post reveals that all the transactions are to be verified by the SBCO
staff or auditor and all SBCO staff/Auditors have to get login IDs from CEPT,
Chennai to view LOT. These lines are incorporated in page No. 03 of the said
manual. Accordingly, the entire Manual indicates the detective controls by
SBCO/Auditor staff.
In the Auditor’s Manual under the head
“Detective Controls”-Comparison of Account number and amount in the voucher
with LOT, it has been written as “However, the SBCO staff or Auditor has to
verify all the transactions from the vouchers received from the LOT available
in the Finacle Application. All SBCO Staff/Auditors have to get Login IDs from
CEPT Chennai Team to view LOT either in production or through MIS server.
Under the head “ Sample LOT is given below” it
has been written as “ SBCO/Auditor has to verify Account Number and Amount
mentioned in LOT with the voucher and in case of any discrepancy, full
transaction can be viewed in Finacle Application with input as TRAN ID mentioned
in LOT and voucher. SBCO/Audit has to raise the objection procedurally for the
There is a head written as “Inquiries and
reports for SBCO/AUDITOR staff. Menu options
Under the head
“Detective Controls – Interest Inquiries” written as
All Financial organizations will be receiving
various income. The major share of the income for Min. of Finance comes from
interest. SBCO/AUDITOR has to see that annual interest , closing interest and
the post maturity (overdue) interest has been correctly accounted for.
The two types
of interest inquiries are:
Interest Reports
These inquiries are on the various
activities/transactions conducted by the employees working in a Post Office.
These reports and inquiries are effective for operations as well as detective
controls for SBCO/AUDITOR staff.
It has been written as All other field shown in
the screen are auto populated. The Auditors can even specify what type of
Interest they are looking for, for example, additional, overdue or penal and so
on, by choosing from the dropdown in interest type.
The Reamendments of Recruitment Rules for PA/SAs
Cadre (PA(CO), PA(SBCO), PA(PO), PA(RLO) and SA-Proposal vide Directorate F.No.
09-03/2017-SPB-I Dt. 18.10.17 was proposed
earlier which was strongly opposed by the General secretary of AIPSBCOEA
through individual ballot in the letter dated 03.11.2017.
In fine,
the following points are appended with reference to the proposed RRs mentioned
in the letter cited under reference :
The Savings Bank Control Organisation was set up
w.e.f 01.01.1960 with the approval of AG P & T , CAG and Ministry of
Finance to ensure an On-Spot Checking over the work of Small Savings Schemes
for audit & accounting, vouchers checking & reconciliation work vested
within AG P&T which has its own separate identity other than existing PA
Cadre in the Department being their nature of duties identical to the Audit
& Accounts wing.
It is pertinent to mention that all the
financial institutions must have a separate wing for Checking, Auditing &
Accounting to safeguard the public money and on that’s why the Department has
termed SBCO as unique cadre and recruit the personnel separately.Inter-change
of SBCO staff with operative work (POs)viceversa,was not allowed.SBCO is
considered as custodian of small savings business records in order to prevent
any untoward incidents of misuse.
It is understood that the RRs of PA(SBCO)
notified on 21.05.15 under the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution were
framed for 100% direct recruitment (Col. 10) with promotional avenues through
DPC headed by DPS as Chairperson and
they come under Circle Cadre.
In 2017, the proposed RRs of PA/SA cadre
circulated is strongly opposed by the entire rank and file in SBCO and it was requested to maintain
separate identity for SBCO cadre in proposed amendments in RRs of PA/SA cadre
or consider their absorption with Audit & Accounts Wing being originated
from AG P & T. Hence the RR proposal vide Directorate F.No.
09-03/2017-SPB-I Dt. 18.10.17 was dropped.
We are, still affirm since both SBCO and DAP
were bifurcated from the erstwhile AG P & T by 1964 and 1976 respectively,
the basic work of Audit continues to be common to both SBCO and DAP. The nature
of work is of similar type dealing with the POSB Audit and Accounting and the financial
transactions of pay and allowance of employees which are also accounted through
the POSB Accounts only.
In view of the
above it is requested to kindly reconsider
the framing of the present proposed Recruitment Rules and to rechristen the
SBCO as SB Audit Organization and PA (SBCO) as AUDITORs in order to function effectively under the
control of GM(PA & F) for the proper caring of crores of money deposited by
lacs of customers.
With Regards,
Yours Sincerely,
(SHP. Jasmine Jalal Begam)
General Secretary
Copy To:
DDG. FS Division, DOP, Dak Bhawan, SansadMarg, New Delhi -110 001.
DDG. Establishment, DOP, Dak Bhawan, SansadMarg, New Delhi -110 001.
DDG. SR Legal, DOP, Dak Bhawan, SansadMarg, New Delhi -110 001.

A Memorandum was given on behalf of our All India
CHQ during the visit to Directorate on 6th
and 7th November 2019 containing all the long pending sectional
demands of SBCO.
of Posts,
Bhawan, SansadMarg,
Delhi – 110 001.
No.: AIPSBCOEA/CHQ/memorandum/2019 dated-
is to bring to your kind notice that on so many occasions, we SBCO have raised
our long pending genuine demands before the Department. But it is highly
regretted that no effective steps have been taken by the Department to mitigate
the problems causing more sufferings to the employees. We are bringing all the
problems faced by the staff at ground level separately on each subject but no
solution is coming out. All our long pending demands have been narrated as
1. Change of Administrative control:
is learnt that SBCO was part of the AG P&T and through an Act of amendment
by Nodal Ministry (Ministry of Finance) Small savings Audit & accounting
work was transferred from the Audit office to the Post Office in 1961 with
formation of new nomenclature as “SBCO”. Since then miseries of SBCO Employees
started and in the last 55 years, have lost everything from Designation to the
pay & perks. On similar lines the Account wing was also introduced in the
Department of Posts w.e.f. 01.04.76 in the form of Office of Director of
Accounts (Postal). Both wings of the Department were part of AG P & T but
there is vast difference in pay & perks with promotional avenues between
SBCO and Postal Account staff. In Postal Account Office directly recruited. Jr
Accountant are getting Rs. 5400 G.P. by way of MACPs in the SBCOs, the PA being
similarly situated is getting Rs. 4600/- G.P. The Department of Posts is
undergoing a sea-changes because of modernization and technological
advancement. The Department has launched its prestigious project CSI and in the
post modernization and in CSI environment SBCO has its specific role . The
Association demands that the SBCO wing should be brought under the control of
Director of Accounts(Postal) being same nature of work and in recent days a
order regarding the work of NSCs & KVPs is also assigned to SBCO cadre
which was previously done by DAP.
2. Permission for appearing in PS Gr. ‘B’
the PA (SBCO) is a common cadre of
Postal Assistant having same pay &
perks but their promotional avenues are
restricted and the SBCO staff have been debarred for appearing in PS
Gr ‘B’ DepartmentlExamination.This item was taken and discussed on 16.12.2014
in JCM (DC) meeting and also on 7.1.2019
in PJCA meeting.
3. Higher Pay scales for higher
responsibility Posts (LSG, HSG-II &HSG –I):
is learnt that after introduction of financial upgradation schemes the NB Supervisory Posts are
downgraded in their grade pay while they are shouldering higher
responsibilities and supervision of the work of the officials under him.
Accordingly the officials promoted against these NB posts are not interested to
carry out the higher responsibility resultantly maximum no. of posts are still
unfilled. It is pertinent to mention
that the Department of Posts is only a Department where on promotion the officials are getting
less grade pay and by virtue of that refusals for promotion arise.
4. Filling up the vacant posts in SBCO:
SBCO is facing acute shortage of staff in all the Circles and the G/S has
addressed a detailed reference on 12.3.16 to the Secretary (Posts) which is
unattended to. After role out of CBS hundred percent vouchers checking and
other CBS works have been assigned to SBCO subject to there should not be more
than 2-3 days pendency, but it is impossible to carry out the work in under
staffed situation. The checking of NSCs & KVPs vouchers have also been deployed
to SBCO in these situations are unmanageable without staff. That a special
drive for recruitment of SBCO staff may be launched to make good the shortage
of staff in SBCO as early as possible to avoid the pendency because about 50%
to 60% posts of PA(SBCO) are lying vacant in all the Circles of the Deparment.
5. Contributory Negligence/Irregular Recovery
imposed on SBCO staff:
duties of SBCO staff are well defined in Manual for SB Control, Pairing &
ICO Procedure. Accordingly the SBCO staff are exercising the decentralized
Audit & Accounts duties and their work actually start after accounting of
the transactions. Therefore , penalizing the SBCO employee by imposing recovery
of loss irrationally for frauds committed in the Savings Schemes in Sub Offices
/ Branch Offices is contrary to statutory Rules. The SBCO staff is not directly
related to any type of monetary transaction and accordingly they should not be
imposed as offender/co-offender in misappropriation cases. It is learnt that
under Rule 11 (iii) of CCS (CCA)Rules 1965 the penalty of recovery can be
imposed on a Govt. servant who is
directly responsible for the act of negligence or breach of orders causing the financial loss and
accordingly the SBCO staff should not be held responsible for any type of
recovery in misappropriation cases, so that the SBCO staff be exempted from
contributory negligence as they are not directly involved in any monetary
6. Restoration of powers for recording APARs
of SBCO staff to AO ICO (SB) in place of Divisional Heads:
functions are devised for checking, auditing and accounting according to the
prescribed procedures. PAs (SBCO) belong
to circle cadre and their Appointing Authority is Director of Postal Services.
The progress of the work performed by the officials of SBCO is virtually
reviewed by AO ICO(SB) acquire knowledge about the staff and their performance.
Since the SBCO is an audit section, it has to bring out the deficiencies and
discrepancies of the SB Branch by raising objections and reports. This action
is not relished by the Divisional Administration and the SBCO Branch is being
considered as nuisance by them. As such , the power of writing of CRs over SBCO
staff vested with Divisional Administration to coerce the SBCO staff for not
raising genuine objections. Hence, it is resolved to restore the power of
writing of CRs to AO ICO (SB) to enable the SBCO staff for maintenance of
proper accounting and auditing as per SB Control Procedure and pattern
7. Impractical Adhoc time factor should be
exparte adhoc time factor formulated by the Department should be modified and
enhanced as per actual time taken for the particular work in consultation with
Association’s representative.
8. Cadre restructuring of SBCO staff:
cadre restructuring proposal was accepted by the staff side in 2014 with
agreement between official side and only Pas (PO) have been awarded
restructuring on 27.5.2016 and SBCO cadre have been left out. Thus the
promotional avenues of SBCO cadre are held up. The 7th CPC has also
directed to evaluate the cadre structuring to all Central Govt. employees. Thus
the fundamental rights of SBCO cadre is hammered despite of subsequent
agitational programmes.
The Association would
most humbly bring to the kind notice of
the administration that Savings
Bank Control Organisation is a
present doing the Audit work of the
Post Office Savings Bank
Accounts. Ours being a circle cadre and promotional opportunities are
very megre for the youngsters who enter
the department with professional
and technical qualifications . Also the
number of LSG, HSG II and HSG I posts are very limited
that every time the
LSG or HSG promotions when
awarded to the officials, they are not
able to accept it
as either there are no post available
in the areas with HRA
or feasible to
them or there are
no posts in
that region where
the official is
For illustration, if one circle like Tamilnadu
is taken, there are only around
49 LSG Supervisor posts in SBCO
whereas there are around
60-70 in general
line for the PAs
in a division itself. So,comparatively the chances for
promotion for the
SBCO PA is very less. As also many
senior officials are
retiring whose posts are
lying vacant and
the young officials who have just
entered the department
are forced to
take up the incharge
seat without any financial/cadre upgradation
as there is no officiating
arrangement in SBCO. A letter has been sent by the AIPSBCOEA CHQ
for the same.
It is
therefore kindly requested to implement the Cadre Restructure to SBCO
wing which will enable the young
officials working at SBCO
to get their
promotions under LSG ,
HSGII and HSG I at the
earliest in service
without disappointing them.
9. To Dispense the work of FRMU Alert from
With reference to the Directorate letter No.F.1-3/2017-PCO/PMLA
Dated 15.4.2019,it is brought to the kind notice of the administration that reply
was given to
the association that the circles
have been asked to strengthen the circle FRMU/AML unit by posting Inspectors/Asp and staff at a Central location
for checking alerts and
that there is no
specific order from
Directorate relating to
any other staff.
But when this
is being implemented
at Division level it is cited
that as per the Directorate
letter No. 17-15/2016-Inv dated 8.5.2019
regarding SOP for processing FRMU alerts
it is stated
that the SBCO
Supervisor to do
the following checks:
verify with the
closure voucher (SB-7A)
the Signature using IES Menu in Finacle
the CIF modification details using HAFI
menu of Finacle
subsequent accounts, check with AOF/SB-3 form.
above 4 points
mentioned for the
SBCO supervisor to verify
is not in the SB control procedure
and moreover the
work which is
already being carried
out in SBCO
as 100% checking
of vouchers by
PAs and 5%
verification done by
the supervisor SBCO.All
closures including PMCs
are checked as a
part of
duty by the SBCO branch as per the control procedure
and SB order 14/2015 and the Addendums.
As per the above
points it is
duplication of work
as after few months again alerts
have been sent to verify once again from the beginning which will cause wastage of
time and manpower
to check the
same work again , as of
now all SBCO
units are suffering
from acute shortage
of staff and
regular supervisor are
very few. It will moreover
accumulate pending of
current voucher checking at
SBCO branch. As far as the checking of CIF modification
and signature verification using IES is concerned , it is not in the control
procedure of SBCO and it is a routine to be completed at the counter level
itself before payment of the amount to the depositor.
real purpose of FRMU
will not serve unless
and until the
depositors are personally
met with by
the investigating / field officers
and SBCO is
not a investigation branch also. It
is therefore kindly
requested to dispense
the above work
mentioned as per
the Directorate letter No.
17-15/2016-Inv dated 8.5.2019
regarding SOP for
processing FRMU alerts which
is an extra
burden on SBCO. A letter has already been sent
regarding FRMU alert to the Directorate
vide Ref. No.: AIPSBCOEA/CHQ/FRMU/2019 dated 28.8.19.
10. Non Adherence of the Union constitution
regarding granting immunity from
transfer to the Circle Secretaries:
some circles the Circle secretaries of AIPSBCOEA have not been granted immunity
from transfers (for example Assam
circle, Odisha circle , Madhya Pradesh circle, Uttarkhand circle) according to the Union Constitution which is
strongly condemned by the AIPSBCOEA CHQ and an immediate intervention is needed to implement the same
as per the DG (P & T) No.69/18/70.SPB I dated the 7th December
11. Audit status to SBCO staff and change of
nomenclature as Auditor in place of PA(SBCO) & grant of promotions
G/S on behalf of AIPSBCOEA has already submitted cadre restructuring proposal
on 15.1.14 to the Department where in the justification for change of
nomenclature of PA(SBCO) into Auditor has been elaborated. The two round
discussion with Chairman Cadre restructuring committee have also been held on
05.02.14 & 07.02.14. After introduction of CBS the SBCO staff have been
ordered for Auditor’s training in Postal Training Centres.In view of aforesaid
discussion the nomenclature of PA(SBCO) into Auditor should be accepted and the
house expressed his concern accordingly to pass the resolution. It is learnt
that the SBCO staff was decentralized / born from Audit & Accounts and are
liable to promotional avenues at par with
them, Proposed Nomenclature & their promotional avenues are as under:-
Scales of pay
The duties of
UDCs (SBCO) are at Present
assigned to them
(Entry level)
Sr. Auditor
HSG –II (Sr. Supervisor
Chief Auditor
HSG – I (Chief Supervisor)
Executive Auditor
Chief Executive Auditor
Ultimately SBCO section is
dealing with the work of audit only (ie) downloading the datas from Finacle and
voucher checking with utmost
concentration. The term AUDIT defines “an official inspection of an organizations
account by an independent body and it cannot be expected to detect every
Fortunately the work presently
done by SBCO has coincided with the definition of AUDIT . SBCO cadre are called
as distinct category according to the department, in other words independent
body. POSB is very large banking institution under the Department of Posts
having crores of account holders and multi crore of rupees as investment by the
people. Proper audit to POSB system is inevitable.
In our strong opinion , an
robust internal audit should, be mooted out in POSB like various audit
organizations (ie) P & T audit
General, Audit Civil Audit, Defence and Railway Audit, taking in account of safety of public money.
Now the Government/Department
should take initiative to declare the SBCO as SB audit organization and its
cadres as Audit and cause order the
DPS/AO ICO(SB) as controlling authority straightaway delinking powers of Divisional
Heads and Postmasters of HO over SBCO.
Retaining of posts at
CPU/CPO as per justification after diversion of Surplus
posts : Diversion of all the
Circle pairing unit (CPU)/Central
Pairing Office(CPO) posts (Supervisor and PA posts)
to justified SBCO
units immediately as per
the Directorate Letter No. F. No. 109-01/2017-SB dated 03.05.2019 after keeping atleast one
supervisor and one PA at the
CPU/CPO as per justification
to attend the
pending UD and UCs
remaining due to some
non migrated offices (non CBS)
which are still there.
The Role of SBCO cadre in future :
The recent Directorate order
F.No.04-05/2015-SPB-I, Government of India, Ministry of Communications,
Department of Posts, Dak Bhawan ,SansadMarg, New Delhi. Dated 18.09.2019
regarding Framing of DOP (Postal Assistant
and sorting Assistant) Recruitment Rules, 2019 – regarding , Our
Association would like to inform the Department that the cadre of PA(SBCO) should
not be merged with General line PA and as per constitution an option should be
given for merger with DAP from where SBCO has been bifurcated as SBCO is an
AUDIT wing. Any decision may be taken
only after discussion and suggestion of
Union representatives of SBCO cadre .A separate detailed letter was sent
by the Association to the Department on 20.9.2019 regarding the Revised
Recruitment Rules 2019.
Our Association likes to bring to the
notice of the Department that
most of the demands mentioned above were
also passed as Resolutions in the 5th All India Conference held at
Haridwar from 5.7.19 to 7.7.19 . Hence it is requested to take necessary action
to solve the long pending issues in SBCO cadre mentioned above as the
Department knows the importance of SBCO and its necessity to maintain a
separate identity.
A line of reply is solicited
With Regards,
Yours Sincerely,

Ref. No. :
AIPSBCOEA/CHQ-Uttarkhand Circle/2019 Dated : 05.09.2019
Shri. S.R. Amin,
Director (SR/Legal)
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
Delhi – 110 001.
Sub : Regarding formation of Adhoc Committee for
AIPSBCOEA in Uttarkhand Circle.
Respected Sir,
is requested that as per decision/resolution passed in 5th All India
Conference held at Haridwar (Uttarkhand), the house unanimously directed the
General Secretary to proceed for formation of Adhoc Committee of Association in
those circles where no Circle Association of AIPSBCOEA is in existence/defunct.
compliance of aforesaid decision/ resolution the adhoc committee of AIPSBCOEA
for Uttarkhand Circle is constituted as under:-
1. Shri.
Prakash Singh Mawadi - Convenor
(SBCO) , Haldwani H.O.
2. Shri
Narendra Singh Kandari - Member
(SBCO), Kotdwar H.O.
3. Shri Vipin Kumar - Member
(SBCO) Roorkee H.O.
It is therefore requested to kindly cause for
formation of adhoc committee at Uttarkhand Circle and oblige.
With profound Regards,
Yours sincerely,
(SHP. Jasmine Jalal Begam)
General Secretary
The Chief Postmaster General, Uttarkhand Circle, Dehradun for causing Recognition
to the adhoc committee.
(SHP. Jasmine Jalal Begam)
General Secretary
Ref. No. : AIPSBCOEA/CHQ-Karnataka
Circle/2019 Dated :
Shri. S.R. Amin,
Director (SR/Legal)
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan, Sansad
New Delhi – 110 001.
Sub : Regarding formation of Adhoc Committee for
AIPSBCOEA in Karnataka Circle.
Respected Sir,
It is requested
that as per decision/resolution passed in 5th All India Conference
held at Haridwar (Uttarkhand), the house unanimously directed the General
Secretary to proceed for formation of Adhoc Committee of Association in those
circles where no Circle Association of AIPSBCOEA is in existence/defunct.
In compliance of
aforesaid decision/ resolution the adhoc committee of AIPSBCOEA for Karnataka
Circle is constituted as under:-
1. Shri. Girish A - Convenor
PA (SBCO) , Chikkaballapur H.O.
Kirankumar Nayak,
- Member
PA (SBCO), Vijayapura H.O.
3.Shri. Gurasiddappa Halijol - Member
Vijayapura H.O.
It is therefore requested to kindly cause for
formation of adhoc committee at Karnataka Circle and oblige.
With profound Regards,
Yours sincerely,
(SHP. Jasmine Jalal Begam)
The Chief Postmaster General,
Karnataka Circle, Bangalore for causing
to the adhoc committee.
(SHP. Jasmine Jalal Begam)
Ref. No: AIPSBCOEA/CHQ/Circle Conference Karnataka
2019 Dated-18.11.2019
Notice under the provisions of Article 30 of the Constitution of All
India Postal SBCOEmployees Association is hereby issued that the Circle Conference of Karnataka Circle will
commence at 10 a.m on 15.12.2019 (Sunday) , at Hotel
Paarag,Rajbavan Road, opposite to GPO Complex, Bengaluru -560 001 ,
under the
supervision of CHQ.
The following shall be items of the agenda :-
1. Organisation Review – Review of the
present membership to spread largest union in the Circle.
2. Review of filling up of vacant posts
lying in the Circle .
3. Implementation of Cadre Restructuring to
4. Contributory negligency cases imposed on
SBCO staff of the Circle-Review regarding.
5. Review of MACPs promotion and benchmark.
6. Review of the framing of Department of
Posts(Postal Assistant and Sorting Assistant) Recruitment Rules 2019.
7. Discussion on scrapping of NPS.
8. Remittance of quota to C.H.Q.
9. Election of the Circle Office Bearers.
10. Any other item with the permission of
(SHP.Jasmine Jalal Begam)
General Secretary
Copy To:
1. The Secretary, Department of Posts, Dak Bhawan, SansadMarg, New
Delhi- 110001 for
information please.
2. The Director, SR Legal, Dak Bhawan, SansadMarg, New Delhi-110001 for necessary action.
The Chief Postmaster General,
Circle, for necessary action.
The Secretary General,NFPE, 1ST Floor, North Avenue
P.O. Building, New Delhi-110001.
Com.ShrikanthMallick, President,
6. Members of AIPSBCOEA in Karnataka
7. Notice Board.
8. Office Copy.
(SHP.Jasmine Jalal
General Secretary
Ref. No:
AIPSBCOEA/CHQ-Accomodation/12/2019 Dated- 05.11.2019
Ms. AindriAnurag,
Chief Postmaster
Delhi Circle,
New Delhi –
Sub: Allotment
of Office Accommodation to All India Postal SBCO Employees Association
recognized and affiliated with NFPE.
Ref: 1. Your Office File Mark –Bldg./5-455/AIPSBCOEA/2013
2. Our
Association letter No.AIPSBCOEA/CHQ-Accomodation/11/2019 dt 23.08.2019
Respected Madam,
Association is requesting since years together for the allotment of office
accommodation, as already the SD -7 at Dev Nagar which was allotted to our
association but before taking its possession it was allotted to some other
person without any intimation to the Association.
Association has submitted a detailed representation on 27.8.18 and 23.8.19
(vide reference cited above) for allotted of accommodation at the UD-7 lying vacant and under the
encroachment by the adjoining people. If this UD-7 IS allotted to the
Association this type of encroachment may be avoided.
It is therefore
requested to kindly look into the matter personally and cause reallotment for
UD-7 at Dev Nagar or any centrally placed accommodation surrounding area of
Postal Directorate preferably quarters in Kalibari Marg P & T being a lady
General Secretary feasible for attending Directorate and oblige.
With Profound regards,
Yours Sincerely,
(SHP. Jasmine Jalal Begam)
Ref. No: AIPSBCOEA/CHQ-Circle Conf./UP/2019
The Secretary,
Department of Posts,
Dak Bhawan, SansadMarg,
New Delhi – 110 001.
Sub: Non grant of
recognition to the newly elected office bearers of AIPSBCOEA, U.P. Circle
by way of Circle Conference held on
07.04.2019 at Lucknow.
Ref: The Association letter
No.AIPSBCOEA/CHQ-Circle Conf./UP/2019 dt 09.07.2019 & 14.08.2019.
Respected Sir,
The Association has already
written a letter vide the reference cited above regarding the biennial
Conference of U.P. Circle was conducted
on 07.04.2019 at Lucknow and the list of office bearers was submitted to the
CPMG, U.P. Circle for grant of recognition & trade union facilities for
next term. But it was stated that the Conference held before 25.04.2019 may not
be recognized.
In this regard the Association
stated that Dte. Letter No. 16-75/2010-SR Dt. 27.02.2018 issued in pursuance of
judgement/Order dt 07.12.2018 of Honourable Calcutta High Court Passed in W.P.
No. 16021(W) of 2013 to be finalized within three months was meant for abeyance
the trade union facilities only. There was no restrictions for internal
activities of the Association like CWC, Conferences, Seminars,Meetings etc.
Thus the plea of CPMG, U.P. Circle is not admirale at all.
Being a recognized Association
,it is once again requested to kindly look into the matter personally and cause
instructions to the CPMG, U.P. Circle Lucknow for grant of recognition and
trade union facilities to the newly elected office bearers of AIPSBCOEA, U.P.
Circle in the Conference concluded as per norms of bylaws of the Association to
avoid debarment of fundamental rights & oblige.
With Profound regards,
Yours Sincerely,
Jasmine Jalal Begam)

Ref. No:
AIPSBCOEA/CHQ-Circle Conf./UP/2019 Dated- 22.11.2019
The Chief Postmaster General,
Uthra Pradesh Circle,
Non grant of recognition to the
newly elected office bearers of AIPSBCOEA, U.P. Circle by way of Circle Conference held on 07.04.2019
at Lucknow.
Directorate letter F.No.18-02
2019-SR ,Govt Of India, Ministry of Communication, Department of Posts (SR Section) ,
Dak Bhawan, New Delhi-110 001 dated 18th November 2019.
Respected Sir,
reference to the Directorate Letter number cited above it is requested to
grant recognition and trade union
facilities to the newly elected office bearers of AIPSBCOEA, U.P. Circle in the
Conference concluded as per norms of bylaws of the Association as early as
possible to avoid debarment of
fundamental rights & oblige.
With Profound regards,
Yours Sincerely,
Jasmine Jalal Begam)
General Secretary
Copy To:
The Director,
SR/Legal, Department of Posts, Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi–110001.

No.: AIPSBCOEA/CHQ/Change of role of SBCO/2019 dated- 02.12.2019
of Posts,
Bhawan, SansadMarg,
Delhi – 110 001.
Sub: Regarding
input/Suggestion reg- Change of role and responsibility of SBCO, Post GL
Ref. : Association
letter No.AIPSBCOEA/CHQ/ Input/Suggestion on prevention of Fraud/2019 dated-
: Association letter No.AIPSBCOEA/CHQ/AUDIT
STATUS/2019 dated- 25.11.2019.
continuation with the Association’s letter dated 25.11.19 written in reply to
the Directorate’s letter dated 22.11.19
regarding inpupt/Suggestion reg-
Change of role and responsibility of SBCO, Post GL integration the following
suggestions are given in respect of change in role,working scenario, changes in
procedures, administrative control :-
SBCO to be given the status
of AUDIT as per the previous letter dated 25.11.19
written by the Association to work independently without any kind of influence
like a local AUDIT for effective functioning and detection of frauds.
letter was already written by the Association
vide Ref. No.: AIPSBCOEA/CHQ/ Input/Suggestion on prevention of
Fraud/2019 dated- 16.9.19 in which all
the suggestions to prevent frauds were given
in detail.
The Finacle Consolidation to be received by SBCO
on the next day.
To Download the Finacle consolidation
and compare with that received from all the H.O/S.Os for any difference or manual corrections
/manipulation and raise objections.
check:- The
General check of vouchers as per para 5 of SB Order 14/2015.
for RD,MIS,TD,SCSS:- The vouchers of withdrawals for more than Rs.
50000/- and all closures / Premature closures , the AOF/SB-3 Cards received for
the closures to be scrutinized with utmost care, checked by SBCO by generating the LOTs in
finacle and cross verifying with the sent voucher for correctness. If any deviation
from the rules , omissions ,difference in signature noticed objections to be
payments :-The RD & PPF Loan disbursement vouchers to be
checked for any deviation.
of interest bearing categories :-
AS per SB order 14/2015 add II para 3 serial no. 7, voucher checking for PASBCO
in r/o LSG and above offices and below LSG offices prescribed may be changed as
follows For SB, PPF, SSA:
1. Rs.20000/-
and above for LSG and above offices shall be changed as Rs.50000/- and above.
2. All
the vouchers in r/o offices below LSG shall be changed as Rs.20000/- and above.
3. Checking
of single handed S.Os:- All the transactions of every single handed S.O to
be checked thoroughly for any deviation of rules to avoid any misappropriation
of public money.
Deposits: - All new accounts opened vouchers for the
amount of Rs. 5 Lakhs and above.
adjustments:- The
interest corrections will be given through HIARM menu by the supervisor SBCO
after confirming the correctness of the excess or short payment of interest
intimated by the H.O/S.Os after getting approval (as of now).
of silent accounts :- There
should be atleast two checks for all the
revival of silent accounts at counter
level to prevent fraud.
in discontinued accounts:- All the
transactions done in discontinued accounts
of all categories including TD, RD, SCSS, MIS to be checked at the stage of posting
itself to avoid fraud.
of ATM cards:- In
Finacle there should be a check for the correctness of issue of ATM cards to
depositors either by linking Aadhaar or personal appearance for signing to get
the cards to prevent frauds.
cheque foils:- To be
maintained separately (as of now) in a register after receiving from H.O/S.Os
for destruction during inspection by AO, ICO(SB).
passbooks:- To be
maintained separately (as of now) in a
register after receiving from H.O/S.Os for destruction during inspection by AO,
of returns by SBCO:-
The Non – Financial report generated by the CPC to be consolidated and sent every month as of now.
The Interest cum Silent account Summary report generated
at CPC from Finacle to be compiled and sent to DAP every year (as of now).
of Records:-
per SB order 14/2015 add II, para 5.11
preservation of record needs to be changes as follows.
with Consolidation
yrs after settlement of all Objections
yr after settlement of all Objections
Adjustment Register
since transactions once entered in finacle could not be changed at any level
and voucher checking completed as prescribed in SB order 14/2015 add II
Since statistical figures are being maintained based on the report generated
and sent by CPCs
Since voucher checking completed, figures not able to modified / changed in
finacle and objections settled
Interest adjustment of an account is effected through ‘HIARM’ menu by the
Supervisor, SBCO only and report forwarded to GMPAF and AO ICO (SB) at the
close of the month in which Interest adjustment effected.
of now, SBCO officials recruited are appointed by the Regional DPS after
getting allotment to the respective regions and postings and transfers are
controlled by the Regional DPS. The officials are placed in SBCO units in each
Head Post office and day to day administration vested with Head Postmaster and
other controls executed by Dvl Head.
Multiple conflict - controls over
SBCO by Head Postmaster,Divisional Head and Regional DPS causes so many
disturbances in the functioning of SBCO. While the appointing authority is the
controlling authority of other departmental officials, it differs in respect of
SBCO officials. This needs to be set right .For this the following two types is
SBCO shall be brought under
the control of GMPAF. As the nature of work now carried out by SBCO is more or
less equaling to audit function, this type of control is very much appropriate.
SBCO shall be brought under
the direct control of DPS of the Region. As the appointing and transferring
authority remains the same.
The Administrative hierarchy shall
be as furnished below:
- Chief accounts officer (or)
Senior accounts officer at the HQs – Supervisors in Selection grades – PAs
today administration rests with the Supervisor HSG I in respect of other
selection grade officers and PAs SBCO.
of APARs of SBCO officials rests with Accounts officers of the HQ
administrative powers shall be vested with DPS / GMPAF
: SBCO is the guardian of Public money
as well as Exchequer. The present Administrative control by Postmaster of HO,
Divisional Head make lot of disturbance in the functioning of SBCO and
officials working with so much constrains. If the suggestion given above is
considered favourably, it will pave way for the smooth functioning of SBCO and
Public and Exchequer money will be safe.
the Accounting and Auditing work will be done by SBCO effectively and
independently under the Nomenclature of “AUDITOR” as mentioned in the Association letter dated
25.11.19 to be a custodian of crores of
public money for Lakhs of depositors who have faith and confidence on
the Department of Posts.
With Regards,
General Secretary
Copy To:
1. Smt. Meera Kumar, DDG (P), Department of Posts, Dak
Bhawan ,SansadMarg, New Delhi – 110 001.
2. Shri. Sachin Kishore, DDG FS, Department of
Posts, Dak Bhawan, SansadMarg, New Delhi – 110 001.

No.: AIPSBCOEA/CHQ/AUDIT STATUS/2019 dated- 07.01.2020
of Posts,
Bhawan, SansadMarg,
Delhi – 110 001.
Sub: Consolidated
Charter of demands submitted by NFPE & FNPO vide their letters No.
PF-12-C/2019 and No. FNPO/S.N/2019 dated 12-12.2019.
Ref: 1. Directorate
letter No.08-12/2019-SR Govt of India, Ministry of Communications, Department
of Posts, (SR Section), Dak Bhawan , New
Delhi dated 06.01.2020.
All India Postal SBCO Employees
Association (CHQ) letter No. AUDIT STATUS/019 dated 25.11.2019
Our Association would like to bring to
the kind notice of the Department that a detailed letter citing the reasons for
the demand of AUDIT STATUS TO SBCO was already sent on 25.11.2019. The details
of the letter may be taken into consideration for the point No.20 regarding Audit status to SBCO in the Charter
of Demands. The content of the Association’s letter is again reproduced as
It is pertinent to
mention that all the financial institutions must have a separate wing for
Checking, Auditing & Accounting to safeguard the public money and on that’s
why the Department has termed SBCO as unique cadre and recruit the personnel
separately. Inter-change of SBCO staff with operative work (Pos) vice-versa was
not allowed.. SBCO is considered as custodian of small savings business records
in order to prevent any untoward incidents of misuse. The nature of work is of
similar type dealing with the POSB Audit and Accounting and the financial
transactions of pay and allowance of employees which are also accounted through
the POSB Accounts only.
In this context, it is a compulsory requirement
that Audit status to SBCO staff should be granted and change of nomenclature as
Auditor in place of PA(SBCO) and grant of promotions accordingly: Ultimately
SBCO section is dealing entirely with the work of audit ie. down loading the
data from Finacle and voucher checking with most concentration.
The term AUDIT
defines “an official inspection of an organizations account by an independent
body and it cannot be expected to detect every fraud”. Fortunately the work
presently done by SBCO has still coincided with the definition of AUDIT. The
SBCO cadre is treated as distinct category in the department so far. POSB is
very large banking institution under the Department of Posts having crores of
account holders and multi crore of rupees as investment by the people. Proper
audit to POSB system is a must and inevitable. In our strong opinion, robust
internal audit should, be mooted out in POSB like various audit organizations
(ie) P & T Audit, General Audit ,Civil Audit, Defence and Railway Audit,
for the sake of safety of public money.
It is pertinent to
point out that the duplicate accounting done by SBCO wing has been abolished
with induction of CBS & Finacle in POSB banking operations. As such the SBCO
wing is now entrusted with sole work of auditing of day to day transactions of
POSB and Certificates by the latest orders. This work is being done by the SBCO
on behalf of Ministry of Finance. Now the Government/Department should take
initiative to re-designate the SBCO wing as POSB Audit wing and grant Audit
status to SB Control Organization and treat its cadre are Auditors and make it
as part of Postal Audit office. The status of the staff of present SBCO should
be re-designated as “Junior Auditors” or “Senior Auditors” and supervisory
posts as “Audit Officers”.
above suggestion will create an independent cell to perform the work on the
spot under the Postal Audit Office without any fear of reprisal for pointing
out the genuine mistakes and detection of frauds spontaneously.
General Secretary
Copy To:
1. Shri. Sachin Kishore, DDG FS, Department of
Posts, Dak Bhawan, SansadMarg, New Delhi – 110 001.
2. Shri. S.R. Amin, Director, SR/Legal,
Department of Posts, Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi – 110 001.
3. Shri. R.N. Parashar, Secretary General ,NFPE,
First floor, North Avenue Post office
building, New Delhi – 110 001.

OF RRR/2020 DATED: 22.01.2020
of Posts,
Bhawan, SansadMarg,
Delhi- 110 001.
Subject:- Framing
of Department of Posts (Postal Assistant and Sorting Assistant)Recruitment
Rules, 2019 reg.
: 1. Association
letter No.AIPSBCOEA/CHQ/ Input/Suggestion on prevention of Fraud/2019 dated-
2. Association
letter No.AIPSBCOEA/CHQ/AUDIT STATUS/2019 dated- 25.11.2019.
3. Association
letter No. AIPSBCOEA/CHQ/Change of role of SBCO/2019 dated-2.12.2019.
Our Association has
written many numbers of letters for maintaining separate identity of SBCO and
not to merge with the General line PAs . Even in the Directorate meeting
conducted on 17.1.2020, it was strongly emphasized by our Association that SBCO
is an internal check organization and sensitive wing which is the watch dog of
crores of public money and accounts of POSB category.
policy of the Revised Recruitment Rules 2019 is against the control procedure
laid for SBCO and against the SB order 2/2008 dated 4.2.2008, para 5 d (ii) in
which it is clearly mentioned that “ No staff of SBCO will be utilized for any
Postal operations.” Interchange of General line staff in place of PA SBCO will
dilute the entire Audit and Accounts checking procedure and the frauds will be
Already staff of all cadres are experiencing acute
shortage due to the stagnation in recruitment process as a result of which
frauds are increasing day by day and the innocent officials are being trapped
under contributory negligence and many are not relieved to their requested
offices of transfer.
all the officials are already overburdened on the above issue. The only
solution to address them is conducting
one time drive of recruitment by the Department of posts and filling up all vacancies up to the
sanctioned strength in all cases of SBCO. Still, the Department intend to proceed with
implementation of the Revised
Recruitment Rules 2019, it will create new problems that will affect the
interest and efficiency of the employees.Finally, it is sincerely conveyed if
our concerns are not given due consideration there may be chances of untoward
consequences like scot-free frauds for which employees should not be put
If at all the
Department wants to Merge the SBCO staff, let them be merged with the staff of
Director of Postal (Accounts) and brought under the control of Accounts
Officer, GM PA&F. No matter even if
the DPA is to be Decentralized , let the SBCO staff , cadre who were already
decentralized may work along with the staff of DPA under the control of the
Accounts Officer . As already in all the previous letters of our Association ,
the identical work nature of SBCO and DPA were explained in detail and that
both wings were bifurcated from the AG P & T .
Our Association once again requests your
honourable self that SBCO may be maintained as such with a separate identity
and nomenclature, assigning a new redefined role according to the present
scenario or be merged with DPA under the control of the Accounts Officer and
decentralized along with DPA.
1. Shri.
Sachin Kishore, DDG FS, Department of Posts, Dak Bhawan,
SansadMarg, New Delhi – 110 001.
2. Shri.
S.R. Amin, Director, SR/Legal, Department of Posts, Dak Bhawan, SansadMarg, New
Delhi – 110 001.
3. Shri.
R.N. Parashar, Secretary General ,NFPE, First floor, North Avenue Post office building, New Delhi – 110 001.
AIPSBCOEA/CHQ/one time relaxation in RRs of
HSG I and HSG II /2020 DATED:
The Secretary,
Department of Posts,
Dak Bhawan, SansadMarg,
New Delhi- 110 001.
Subject:- One time
relaxation in RRs of HSG I and HSG II for SBCO reg.
Respected Sir,
Association would like to bring to the kind notice of the honorable Secretary
Posts, that in SBCO there are so many HSG I and HSG II posts lying vacant due to very few eligible officials in the feeder
cadre of LSG posts. This creates a lot of problems in almost all units wherever
the HSG I and HSG II posts are vacant as the junior officials who have just
entered the Department are forced to look after the duties of the Supervisory
(HSG I & HSG II) Posts and are overburdened. Hence our Association requests
that one time relaxation in RRs of HSG I and HSG II Posts may be given for SBCO
officials so that the eligible officials in LSG posts may be accommodated in
the vacant HSG I and HSG II posts. Also the PA/SBCO will have promotional
chances to LSG as a result of this.
Hence one
time relaxation may be given in RRs of HSG I and HSG II for SBCO similar to the
Postal and RMS side as the process for the same is going on. This will be a
very big boon to the staff of SBCO for getting their promotions as their
promotional avenues are very much limited as of now and ofcourse beneficiary to
all units where there are vacancies in the Supervisory posts for smooth
functioning of SBCO.
With Regards,
General Secretary

No.: AIPSBCOEA/CHQ/Assam Circle/2019 dated- 03.12.2019
The Chief Postmaster General,
Assam Circle,
GuwahatI- 781001.
Sub : Request for transfer of Sri Bidit Moy Burman Circle
Secretary AIPSBCOEA, Assam Circle from Nalbari H.O. to Guwahati Under the immunity from transfer.
Ref: Letter written by the Circle Secretary
Assam Circle dt 4.11.19
Respected Sir,
With reference
to the letter Number cited above Sri Bidit Moy Burman was elected as the Circle
Secretary of AIPSBCOEA Assam Circle on 14.3.19 from which time he has been involving himself
in all the union activities in a systematic and devotional manner.
is learnt that Sri Bidit Moy Burman being Circle Secretary of the Association is
entitled for immunity from transfer as per provision of Dte. No.69-18/70-SPB-I Dt.
07.12.1970 and 69-52/72-SPB-I Dt. 23.03.1973 and 02.01.1974.
Sri Bidit Moy
Burman was transferred from the Headquarter Guwahati to Nalbari HPO vide order
No. Staff-21-3/Part – III/2016 dated 14.3.19 and relieved on 4.6.19. From that
time the work of the Association is very
much affected due to non availability of Circle Secretary at Circle H.Q.
It is therefore
requested that your honour shall be pleased to consider and cause transfer
of Sri Bidit Moy Burman to Guwahati SBCO keeping in account the aforesaid facts and
entitlement of Immunity from transfer and oblige.
With profound
No.: AIPSBCOEA/CHQ/M.P. Circle/2019 dated- 03.12.2019
Shri. A.K Sharma,
Chief Postmaster General,
Madhya Pradesh Circle,
Sub : Request for transfer of Smt. Rekha Swami Circle Secretary AIPSBCOEA, M.P. Circle from
Vidisha H.O. to Bhopal Under the immunity from transfer.
Ref: Letter written by the AIPSBCOEA CHQ dt
Respected Sir,
With reference to the letter Number cited above the Circle Working
Committee meeting held on
28.07.2019 at T.T. Nagar, Bhopal with due permission, unanimously elected Smt.
Rekha Swami as the Circle Secretary of AIPSBCOEA M.P. Circle from which time
she has been involving herself in all the union activities in a systematic and
devotional manner.
is learnt that Smt. Rekha Swami being Circle
Secretary of the Association is entitled for immunity from transfer as per
provision of Dte. No.69-18/70-SPB-I Dt. 07.12.1970 and 69-52/72-SPB-I Dt.
23.03.1973 and 02.01.1974.
Smt. Rekha Swami
now working at Vidisha H.O. which is very far away from the Headquarter and the
work of the Association is very much
affected due to non availability of Circle Secretary at Circle H.Q. Moreover being
a lady Circle Secretary, she also has to take care of her family and two
teenage daughters. Hence she has to be supported by the administration as there
is a threat on social security of women as of now.
It is therefore
requested that your honour shall be pleased to consider and cause transfer
of Smt. Rekha Swami to the Circle Headquarter Bhopal SBCO keeping in
account the aforesaid facts and entitlement of Immunity from transfer and
DA – Enclosed
With profound regards,
General Secretary
No.: AIPSBCOEA/CHQ/M.P. Circle/2020 dated- 13.02.2020
The Chief Postmaster General,
Madhya Pradesh Circle,
Sub : Request for transfer of Sri Krishna Kumar
Ahirwar Circle Treasurer AIPSBCOEA, M.P. Circle from
Hoshangabad H.O. to Bhopal Under
the immunity from transfer.
Respected Sir,
The Association
would like to bring to the kind notice of the Chief Postmaster General that Sri
Krishna Kumar Ahirwar was unanimously as the Circle Treasurer of AIPSBCOEA M.P. Circle
on 15.07.2018 from which time he has been involving himself in all the union
activities in a systematic and devotional manner.
It is learnt
that Sri. Krishna Kumar Ahirwar was transferred from Damoh H.O to Bhopal CPU.
But as the CPU was closed in June 2018, he was again transferred to Hoshangabad
H.O. Being Circle Treasurer of the Association Sri Krishna Kumar Ahirwar is
entitled for immunity from transfer as per provision of Dte. No.69-18/70-SPB-I Dt.
07.12.1970 and 69-52/72-SPB-I Dt. 23.03.1973 and 02.01.1974.
Sri. Krishna
Kumar Ahirwar now working at Hoshangabad H.O. which is away from the
Headquarter has to take her aged mother who is at Bhopal for treatment and the work of the Association is very much affected due to
non availability of Circle Treasurer at Circle H.Q..
It is therefore
requested that your honour shall be pleased to consider and cause transfer
of Sri. Krishna Kumar Ahirwarto the Circle Headquarter Bhopal SBCO keeping in
account the aforesaid facts and entitlement of Immunity from transfer and
With profound regards,
of the General Secretary to Directorate:
1. The
one day meeting on 27.8.19 regarding launching of Citizen Service
Centers in DOP in tie up with Private software company. All suggestions were
given on behalf of AIPSBCOEA along with NFPE and affiliated unions. The next
day on 28.8.19 the officers were met to discuss all SBCO issues.
2. The
two days meeting with all higher officers at Directorate on behalf of AIPSBCOEA
CHQ, by the General Secretary and our Ex
General Secretary Comrade Virendra Tewary on 6.11.19 and 7.11.19 was
very beneficial to our cadre at this crucial time. The issue of the new Revised Recruitment
Rules was discussed in detail with the DDG (P), Smt. Meera Kumar and a letter
was again given, a positive reply in favour of our cadre was given as demanded
by our CHQ. The DDG (FS) Sri Sachin Kishore was met and all the software issues
were discussed and some suggestions were given regarding removal of limit for
report generation for SBCO users and the necessity of Revised Control Procedure
after GL integration was emphasized. The Director SR Legal Sri. A.R.Amin was
met and all our Union dealings were discussed. The Memorandum as above was given citing all the
long pending issues and charter of demands.
3. The
meeting called for by the Directorate regarding the RRR 2019 on 17.1.2020 was attended by the General Secretary
along with comrade R.N.Parashar SG NFPE and all the justification for
maintaining separate identity of SBCO cadre (or) merger with DAP (or) Audit
Status to SBCO were discussed in detail. Hoping for the favourable decision
from the Department.
As the financial status of CHQ which was produced before the honourable House
of CWC, it was clear that the AIPSBCOEA is running in financial crisis
therefore all of you are requested to arrange make good the deficit amount by
remittance of regular quota and with liberty to donation.
Ref. No.: AIPSBCOEA/CHQ/memorandum/2020
dated- 09.03.2020
The Secretary,
Department of Posts,
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi – 110 001.
Submission of Phasewise agitation programmes on 20 Charter of Demands.
Association is constrained to note that no action was taken upon the genuine
demands of SBCO cadre even though they were already submitted to the
Directorate several times i.e. on
18.9.19 , 5.11.19 & 17.1.20.
Non consideration of even single demand is causing unrest and agony
among the staff. In the Central Working Committee Meeting of our Association
held in New Delhi from 28.2.20 to 29.2.20 heated debate was witnessed and came
to conclusion unanimously as there is no other option except to go for struggle
programme. Details of demands and series of struggle programmes are enclosed.
on 27.04.2020 & 28.04.2020
on 04.05.2020
on 18.05.2020
status to SBCO staff and change of nomenclature as Auditor in place of PA(SBCO)
& grant of promotions accordingly:
G/S on behalf of AIPSBCOEA has already submitted cadre restructuring proposal
on 15.1.14 to the Department where in the justification for change of
nomenclature of PA(SBCO) into Auditor has been elaborated. The two round
discussion with Chairman Cadre restructuring committee have also been held on
05.02.14 & 07.02.14. After introduction of CBS the SBCO staff have been
ordered for Auditor’s training in Postal Training Centres.In view of aforesaid
discussion the nomenclature of PA(SBCO) into Auditor should be accepted and the
house expressed his concern accordingly to pass the resolution. It is learnt
that the SBCO staff was decentralized / born from Audit & Accounts and are
liable to promotional avenues at par with
them, Proposed Nomenclature & their promotional avenues are as under:-
Scales of pay
The duties of
UDCs (SBCO) are at Present assigned to them
(Entry level)
Sr. Auditor
HSG –II (Sr. Supervisor
Chief Auditor
HSG – I (Chief Supervisor)
Executive Auditor
Chief Executive Auditor (Gazetted)
Ultimately SBCO section is
dealing with the work of audit only (ie) downloading the datas from Finacle and
voucher checking with utmost
concentration. The term AUDIT defines “an official inspection of an organizations
account by an independent body and it cannot be expected to detect every
Fortunately the work
presently done by SBCO has coincided with the definition of AUDIT . SBCO cadre
are called as distinct category according to the department, in other words
independent body. POSB is very large banking institution under the Department
of Posts having crores of account holders and multi crore of rupees as
investment by the people. Proper audit to POSB system is inevitable.
In our strong opinion , an
robust internal audit should, be mooted out in POSB like various audit
organizations (ie) P & T audit
General, Audit Civil Audit, Defence and Railway Audit, taking in account of
safety of public money.
Now the Government/Department
should take initiative to declare the SBCO as SB audit organization and its
cadres as Audit and cause order the
DPS/AO ICO(SB)/AO GM PA & F as controlling authority straightaway delinking
powers of Divisional Heads and Postmasters of HO over SBCO. Letter already
written by the Association AIPSBCOEA/CHQ/Audit status/2019 dated 25.11.19,
dated 2.12.19, 7.1.20, 17.1.20, 22.1.20 etc.
Role of SBCO cadre in future
recent Directorate order F.No.04-05/2015-SPB-I, Government of India, Ministry
of Communications, Department of Posts, Dak Bhawan , Sansad Marg, New Delhi.
Dated 18.09.2019 regarding Framing
of DOP (Postal Assistant and sorting
Assistant) Recruitment Rules, 2019 – regarding
, Our Association would like to inform the Department that the cadre of PA(SBCO) should not be merged with General line PA
and any decision may be taken only after
discussion and suggestion of Union
representatives of SBCO cadre . A separate detailed letter was
sent regarding this, Letter already written by the
Association AIPSBCOEA/CHQ/Audit status/2019 dated 25.11.19, dated 2.12.19,
7.1.20, 17.1.20, 22.1.20 etc for
maintaining separate identity of SBCO and grant of Audit Status to SBCO and if
at all merger is necessary , SBCO officials to be merged with Director of
Postal Accounts from which they were bifurcated as nature of work is similar
and Controlling Officer needs to be the Accounts Officer of GM PA & F.
3.Change of
Administrative control:
It is learnt
that SBCO was part of the AG P&T and through an Act of amendment by Nodal
Ministry (Ministry of Finance) Small savings Audit & accounting work was
transferred from the Audit office to the Post Office in 1961 with formation of
new nomenclature as “SBCO”. Since then miseries of SBCO Employees started and
in the last 55 years, have lost everything from Designation to the pay &
perks. On similar lines the Account wing was also introduced in the Department
of Posts w.e.f. 01.04.76 in the form of Office of Director of Accounts
(Postal). Both wings of the Department were part of AG P & T but there is
vast difference in pay & perks with promotional avenues between SBCO and
Postal Account staff. In Postal Account Office directly recruited. Jr
Accountant are getting Rs. 5400 G.P. by way of MACPs in the SBCOs, the PA being
similarly situated is getting Rs. 4600/- G.P. The Department of Posts is
undergoing a sea-changes because of modernization and technological
advancement. The Department has launched its prestigious project CSI and in the
post modernization and in CSI environment SBCO has its specific role . The
Association demands that the SBCO wing should be brought under the control of
Director of Accounts(Postal) being same nature of work and in recent days a
order regarding the work of NSCs & KVPs is also assigned to SBCO cadre
which was previously done by DAP.
(i)Restoration of powers for recording APARs of SBCO staff to AO ICO (SB) in
place of Divisional Heads:
functions are devised for checking, auditing and accounting according to the
prescribed procedures. PAs (SBCO) belong
to circle cadre and their Appointing Authority is Director of Postal Services.
The progress of the work performed by the officials of SBCO is virtually
reviewed by AO ICO(SB) acquire knowledge about the staff and their performance.
Since the SBCO is an audit section, it has to bring out the deficiencies and
discrepancies of the SB Branch by raising objections and reports. This action
is not relished by the Divisional Administration and the SBCO Branch is being
considered as nuisance by them. As such, the power of writing of CRs over SBCO
staff vested with Divisional Administration to coerce the SBCO staff for not
raising genuine objections. Hence, it is resolved to restore the power of
writing of CRs to AO ICO (SB) to enable the SBCO staff for maintenance of
proper accounting and auditing as per SB Control Procedure and pattern
Negligence/Irregular Recovery imposed on SBCO staff:
The duties of
SBCO staff are well defined in Manual
for SB Control, Pairing & ICO Procedure. Accordingly the SBCO staff
are exercising the decentralized Audit & Accounts duties and their work
actually start after accounting of the transactions. Therefore , penalizing the
SBCO employee by imposing recovery of loss irrationally for frauds committed in
the Savings Schemes in Sub Offices / Branch Offices is contrary to statutory
Rules. The SBCO staff is not directly related to any type of monetary
transaction and accordingly they should not be imposed as offender/co-offender
in misappropriation cases. It is learnt that under Rule 11 (iii) of CCS
(CCA)Rules 1965 the penalty of recovery can be imposed on a Govt. servant who is directly responsible for the act of
negligence or breach of orders causing
the financial loss and accordingly the SBCO staff should not be held
responsible for any type of recovery in misappropriation cases, so that the
SBCO staff be exempted from contributory negligence as they are not directly
involved in any monetary transactions. Many officials of SBCO are not getting
their usual MACPs, LSG/HSG I & HSG II promotions due to the non-related
contributory negligence cases and irregular recovery imposed against them which
is highly injustice done on the SBCO officials which should be immediately
up the vacant posts in SBCO:
SBCO is facing acute shortage of staff in all the Circles and the G/S has
addressed a detailed reference on 12.3.16 to the Secretary (Posts) which is
unattended to. After role out of CBS hundred percent vouchers checking and
other CBS works have been assigned to SBCO subject to there should not be more
than 2-3 days pendency, but it is impossible to carry out the work in under
staffed situation. The checking of NSCs & KVPs vouchers have also been
deployed to SBCO in these situations are unmanageable without staff. That a
special drive for recruitment of SBCO staff may be launched to make good the
shortage of staff in SBCO as early as possible to avoid the pendency because
about 50% to 60% posts of PA(SBCO) are lying vacant in all the Circles of the
Deparment. . The Department of Posts may conduct the exams directly for
filling up of vacancies raised as and when instead of conducting exams through
the SSC as the recruitment process is very much slow when handled by the SSC.
6.To Dispense the work
of FRMU Alert from SBCO:
With reference to the Directorate letter
No.F.1-3/2017-PCO/PMLA Dated 15.4.2019,
it is brought to the kind notice of the administration that reply
was given to
the association that the circles
have been asked to strengthen the circle FRMU/AML unit by posting Inspectors/Asp and staff at a Central location
for checking alerts and
that there is no
specific order from
Directorate relating to
any other staff.
But when this
is being implemented
at Division level it is cited
that as per the Directorate
letter No. 17-15/2016-Inv dated 8.5.2019
regarding SOP for processing FRMU alerts
it is stated
that the SBCO
Supervisor to do
the following checks
- Cross verify with the closure voucher (SB-7A)
- Verify the Signature using IES Menu in Finacle
- Check the CIF modification details using HAFI menu of Finacle
- For subsequent accounts, check with AOF/SB-3 form.
above 4 points
mentioned for the
SBCO supervisor to verify
is not in the SB control procedure
and moreover the
work which is
already being carried
out in SBCO
as 100% checking
of vouchers by
PAs and 5%
verification done by
the supervisor SBCO. All
closures including PMCs
are checked as a
part of
duty by the SBCO branch as per the control procedure
and SB order 14/2015 and the Addendums.
As per the above
points it is
duplication of work
as after few months again alerts
have been sent to verify once again from the beginning which will cause wastage of
time and manpower
to check the
same work again , as of
now all SBCO
units are suffering
from acute shortage
of staff and
regular supervisor are
very few. It will moreover
accumulate pending of
current voucher checking at
SBCO branch. As far as the checking of CIF modification
and signature verification using IES is concerned , it is not in the control
procedure of SBCO and it is a routine to be completed at the counter level
itself before payment of the amount to the depositor.
Even after clarification issued
from the Directorate dated 30.10.2019 that only in suspicious cases,
verification to be done by the postmasters in consultation of SBCO supervisor
as the relevant records/vouchers are in SBCO;
the FRMU alerts are directly sent to SBCO for verification of the same
which is highly irregular. It is requested that the copy of the clarification
issued regarding FRMU alerts from
Directorate to the Association dt 30.10.2019 may be circulated to all the
Circle heads for implementing the same and not to pressurize the SBCO staff.
The real purpose
of FRMU will not serve
unless and until
the depositors are
personally met with
by the investigating / field officers
and SBCO is
not a investigation branch also. It
is therefore kindly
requested to dispense
the above work
mentioned as per
the Directorate letter No.
17-15/2016-Inv dated 8.5.2019
regarding SOP for
processing FRMU alerts which
is an extra
burden on SBCO. Letter
already written by the Association AIPSBCOEA/CHQ/FRMU/2019 dated 28.8.19.
7.One time relaxation of RRs of
HSG I & HSG II Posts for SBCO as the eligible officials are very
less for the Supervisory posts. Letter
already written by the Association vide AIPSBCOEA/CHQ/One time relaxation of RR
of HSG I & HSG II dated 20.1.2020.
Pay scales for higher responsibility Posts (LSG, HSG-II &HSG –I):
is learnt that after introduction of financial upgradation schemes the NB Supervisory Posts are
downgraded in their grade pay while they are shouldering higher
responsibilities and supervision of the work of the officials under him. Accordingly
the officials promoted against these NB posts are not interested to carry out
the higher responsibility resultantly maximum no. of posts are still unfilled.
It is pertinent to mention that the
Department of Posts is only a Department
where on promotion the officials are getting less grade pay and by
virtue of that refusals for promotion arise.
restructuring of SBCO staff:
cadre restructuring proposal was accepted by the staff side in 2014 with
agreement between official side and only Pas (PO) have been awarded
restructuring on 27.5.2016 and SBCO cadre have been left out. Thus the
promotional avenues of SBCO cadre are held up. The 7th CPC has also
directed to evaluate the cadre structuring to all Central Govt. employees. Thus
the fundamental rights of SBCO cadre is hammered despite of subsequent
agitational programmes.
The Association would most humbly bring to the
kind notice of the administration that
Savings Bank Control Organisation
is presently doing the Audit work of the
Post Office Savings Bank
Accouts. Ours being a circle cadre and promotional oppurtunities are
very megre for the youngsters who enter
the department with professional
and technical qualifications . Also the
number of LSG, HSG II and HSG I posts are very limited
that every time the LSG or
HSG promotions when awarded to the officials, they are not able
to accept it
as either there are no post available
in the areas with HRA or feasible
to them or
there are no posts
in that region
where the official
is working.
illustration, if one circle like
Tamilnadu is taken, there
are only
around 49 LSG Supervisor posts in SBCO whereas there are
around 60-70 in
general line for
the PAs in a
division itself. So, comparatively the
chances for promotion for
the SBCO PA is
very less. As also many senior
officials are retiring whose posts
are lying vacant
and the young
officials who have just entered
the department are
forced to take up
the incharge seat without
any financial/cadre upgradation
as there is
no officiating arrangement
in SBCO.
It is therefore kindly requested
to implement the Cadre Restructure to
SBCO wing which will enable the young officials
working at SBCO
to get their
promotions under LSG ,
HSGII and HSG I at the
earliest in service
without disappointing them. Letter already written by the
Association AIPSBCOEA/CHQ/Cadre restructure/2019 dated 28.8.19 and
acknowledgement for the same received on 27.9.19. A Committee was constituted
for the Cadre restructuring of Group ‘C’employees of RMS/Savings Bank Control
Organisation (SBCO)/CO/RO vide memo No. dated 13.12.2019 to work out the
functional justification and make recommendation for utilization of the posts
which have been proposed to be created for upgradation in LSG,HSG II, HSG I
& HSG I(NFG) grades in RMS,SBCO and CO/RO under the chairmanship of Shri.
Charles Lobo , CPMG, Karnataka circle to submit its report/recommendations
within 3 months. Now that its going to be three months it is requested that
the process of cadre restructuring for SBCO may be implemented immediately as
it is the only promotional avenue of the SBCO employees.
a committee has also been constituted for Cadre review/restructuring of Gr
‘C’/Gr ‘B’(Non –Gaz) of PAOs vide memo dated 05.03.2020 under the chairmanship
of Sr. DDG (PAF). As our Association is
already demanding for bringing the SBCO staff under the Director of Postal
Accounts(PAO) the Cadre restructuring may be done for both SBCO and PAO
employees together and place them together on seniority basis.
10.Retaining of
posts at CPU/CPO as per justification
after diversion of Surplus posts : Diversion of all the Circle pairing unit (CPU)/Central Pairing Office(CPO) posts
(Supervisor and PA posts) to
justified SBCO units
as per the Directorate
Letter No. F. No. 109-01/2017-SB dated
03.05.2019 after keeping atleast one supervisor and one PA at
the CPU/CPO as per
justification to attend
the pending UD and
UCs remaining due to
some non migrated offices (non
CBS) which are
still there.
11 (i).Providing full time
to SBCO as the work of SBCO branch is increasing multi fold in CSI scenario.
(ii).Impractical Adhoc time factor
should be modified:
exparte adhoc time factor formulated by the Department should be modified and
enhanced as per actual time taken for the particular work in consultation with
Association’s representative.
11 (iii).Provision of New control
procedure to SBCO
to work in this modified CSI scenario which is
completely different from the
V2sbco and Sanjay post period. The software to be corrected according to the SB
ORDERS framed on day to day basis.
11 (iv).Permission to weed
out the time
barred old records at SBCO branch
periodically. In many units the same is denied due to some long pending
fraud cases. The investigation of cases
needed to be
completed within a
stipulated time period so that due dates of weeding out of
old records shall be ensured.
12.To implement the supreme court
order for the TBOP/BCR at par with junior financial upgradation as the same is not
yet implemented in almost all the circles except very few.
13.To remove the limits for report
in both live and production servers for SBCO staff as the purpose is only for
viewing the correctness of day to day transactions.
14.The new RT guidelines
are issued for
transfer which needs
to be transparent
in all ways and it is suggested to have a
Counciling process to ensure transparency in genuine manner .
15.The Sr.
Accounts officer , ICO (SB) should
be a member of the transfer committee
for ensuring proper
transfer movements of
the SBCO officials.
arrangements in Supervisory cadre with eligible officials may
be provided to
those SBCO units
wherever regular supervisors are not available.
17.APARs not to be
taken into account
while giving regular
MACP promotions as already
CCS conduct Rules are followed
to ensure the conduct of officials. (or)
Three out of the five years of
APARs may be taken into account for giving the regular MACP to officials completing 10, 20
& 30 years of services as these are the only financial upgradations given
to them.
18.A common training
/ workshop to be organized
to all the SBCO
units to work in CSI
scenario by the
Directorate instead of giving
different trainings in
different units locally and
induction trainings may be given to all the SBCO officials as soon as
19.Necessary instructions may be issued to provide
assistance to SBCO as per SB order 14/2015 , wherever shortage of staff is
for appearing in PS Gr. ‘B’ Examination:
Presently the
PA (SBCO) is a common cadre of
Postal Assistant having same pay &
perks but their promotional avenues are
restricted and the SBCO staff have been debarred for appearing in PS
Gr ‘B’ Departmentl Examination.This item was taken and discussed on 16.12.2014
in JCM (DC) meeting and also on 7.1.2019
in PJCA meeting.
Our Association likes to bring to the
notice of the Department that
most of the agendas mentioned above were
also passed as Resolutions in the 5th All India Conference held at
Haridwar from 5.7.19 to 7.7.19 . Also all the above agendas were passed as
resolutions in the Central Working Committee Meeting held at New Delhi , M.P.
Club, North Avenue from 28.2.20 to 29.2.20. Hence it is requested to take
necessary action to solve the long pending issues in SBCO cadre mentioned
above as the Department knows the
importance of SBCO and its necessity to maintain a separate identity.
Yours faithfully,
General Secretary
Copy to:
The Director,
SR Legal,
Department of Posts,
Dak Bhawan,
Sansad Marg,
New Delhi- 110
General Secretary
Working Class of India, is
heading for stupendously challenging situation, but that is not insurmountable
. That gives an opportunity as well, to reinvent the leading role of the
working class in the battle against the exploitative system and its peripheral
instrumentalities. There might be retreat or even defeat in the last round of
battle, but we have a war to win, We have a rich history of heroic struggles by
the working class against all adversities and brutalities right from the
colonial days and its legacies and lessons are with us. We have the history of
many successes in defending the interest of the working class, farmers and the
country as a whole. That rich history of struggles and sacrifices, which we
proudly inherit, will inspire and give us confidence to unitedly confront and
combat. We will definitely overcome, we will fight and we will win.
Revolutionary Salute
President –CHQ General Secretary
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