Yours Comradely,
General Secretary.
HQ : 1st Floor, North Avenue P.O. Building, New Delhi-110001
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On 07.08.2022 an online VC meeting was conducted at 5 p.m. on behalf of AIPSBCOEA CHQ. Our senior leaders of NFPE Com. R.N. Parashar SG Confederation inaugurated the meeting, Com Janardan Majumdar SG NFPE,delivered his detailed speech, all the CHQ office bearers, Circle secretaries and members of AIPSBCOEA participated in large numbers. The importance and necessity of the 10.08.2022 was clearly explained by our leaders. The doubts of our comrades regarding strike were clarified. It was unanimously decided to extend solidarity to the 10.08.2022 strike and make it a grand success.
Yours comradely,
General Secretary.
Ref. No.:AIPSBCOEA/CHQ-CWC/2022 Dt. : 25.07.2022
It has been proposed by the All India Postal SBCO Employees Association CHQ to hold a special Central Working Committee Meeting on 29.07.2022 at 8 p.m through Video Conference under the President ship of Shri. Sanjib Barua, President (CHQ) as one of the strike campaign programs of AIPSBCOEA.
1. Extending solidarity and ensuring maximum participation, to make the one day protest strike on 10.08.2022 a grand success, to save our Department from privatization.
2. To mobilize maximum women comrades for participation in the All India Women Convention of NFPE to be held on 10th and 11th September 2022 at Bidar Karnataka Circle.
3. To proceed with the agitation programs for sectional demands of SBCO after the 10.08.2022 one day protest strike.
4. Any other item with the permission of chair.
(SHP. Jasmine Jalal Begam)
General Secretary
CWC HELD ON 15.07.2022 THROUGH VC Dated: 16.07.2022
The CWC of All India Postal SBCO Employees Association was held on 15.07.2022 through VC. All the CWC members participated in the Central Working Committee Meeting under the President ship of Comrade Sanjib Barua. The General Secretary Comrade SHP. Jasmine Jalal Begam narrated the present situation clearly in a nut shell as to why is the one day 10.08.2022 strike very important. All the Circle Secretaries were asked to hold Circle working committee meetings in all the circles through VC immediately for the preparation of strike and campaign program.
The CWC members expressed their views and suggestions on the present situation and the following decisions were taken as below:
1. Extending solidarity and ensuring maximum participation, to make the one day protest strike on 10.08.2022 a grand success, to save our Department from privatization.
2. To conduct our next CWC at Patna, Bihar physically by the last week of September 2022.
3. To remit the All India quota to CHQ by all the circles every month without default.
4. To proceed with the agitation programs for sectional demands of SBCO after the 10.08.2022 one day protest strike.
With regards,
SHP.Jasmine Jalal Begam
General Secretary AIPSBCOEA